It is present, but substantially muted. The worst I’ve experienced was an unsolicited, “dang homie u cute” in Limsa, and a few flustered tells from some Alchemists who were angered by my progress on Armourer during the Restoration because they wanted a drug paraphernalia statue in the Firmament.
Other than that… not much goes on. Banning the mention of DPS meters really helps, as well as a mentor system.
The main point is that they as a development team seem focused on making a game players will enjoy while Blizzard focuses on making a game that will force people to stay in their world. A matter of making fun content vs. forcing content to be done, that’s the key difference here. And their world has infinitely more to do in it whereas Blizzard just expects WQs to be the best WoW has to offer (which I’d compare very loosely to Fates, only Fates aren’t mandatory for anything).
The presence of the game’s director actively being excited helps, too, whereas ours just sticks to his guns and talks around answers without giving anything straight. There’s just a very different culture, and as such less salty fans. Of course, FF14 has plenty of its own issues, and I’m more than happy to point them out. It’s just lately difficult to really believe Blizzard and the WoW dev team are actually doing what’s best for their players.
This is very painfully true. They try to retread old ground because coming up with anything new is too difficult. How many times are we going to repeat the MoP story? Or the human boy who falls prey to dark voices story? Or the individual who wants to see peace between the factions but their vision leads to more issues story? And the retcons, the character mutilation, the flat out insults to certain races… It’s hard to truly believe they care about anything.
I will say I’m not fond of having to unlock dungeons in FF14, but then again I’m still in ARR. I’m not sure if that changes later on. I’m also playing the game like the world’s biggest idiot so who knows? I just know I’ve put more time and effort into that game this year than I feel like I have for Shadowlands.
I would argue that only speaks to success at monetization of the product rather than the quality of the product itself. McDonald’s is the most successful burger vendor, but you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who would say they make the best burgers.
I invest in stonks and was researching game companies to see which one had the better financials and long-term potential. Square Enix is going to be losing money in 2021.
But you cant actively say that when there are people subbed to the game and actively playing it either. Thats opinion like how my statement of FF14 devs is opinion.
It is an opinion, but there is evidence to support the claim that the WoW developers don’t care. There’s also evidence I’m sure that people can bring up that would support that they DO care, but I have yet to be shown the current developers give one tiny grain of salt of care for the current game. Playing for 15 years, there’s a very clear difference between before and now.
It’s like having a supervisor that is so micromanage-y that you can’t do anything without his approval vs. being thrown into the ocean without a paddle between the two games. Neither is expressly good, but I need my personal space.
The very reason why i’ve never tried the game! Besides, from what I’ve seen, ESO is a far superior mmorpg. And besides WoW, I’m having a lot of fun with Daggerfall redone in the Unity engine.
The largest thing I took away from the FF14 fan weekend is that the devs have an enormous amount of passion for both their game and their playerbase. When you have a dev who works from a hospital to finish his project all while keeping quiet to the rest of the dev team to keep their spirits high and not depress them, good lord that speaks volumes. Just watching all the social media during the opening announcements and all the positive reactions, it’s something I haven’t seen to that extent in WoW in a while. And then the coy announcement of the male Viera which had been hugely requested and they are giving them to the player base? As well as confirming female Hrothgar in the works and will also be coming? And watching the player base collectively lose their minds in happiness? Lord almighty, I’m jealous of FF14 players right now.
My go-to example to explain the difference between development teams is the existence of the Firmament.
Firstly, they revisited a zone from a previous expansion, complete with characters we met years and years - they didn’t cease to exist because a new expansion came out.
Secondly, we’re adding another housing zone - something completely divorced from the loot treadmill.
Thirdly, it’s very substantial content for crafters - it is a focus, rather than an afterthought.
Lastly, ranked seasons for crafters with the winner adding a permanent fixture to the new zone. Again, crafter love! And the ability to shape the world, if not in a tiny way.
This content encapsulated everything that WoW has transitioned away from entirely.