FFXIV Endwalker Looks Incredible

It can be off-putting when you actually try to help people improve and teach them their class or the content they’re engaging with. That being said, a lot of it is a kneejerk reaction after being treated a certain way in other MMOs

50-60 takes 6 hours without even doing dungeons. Then the covenant campaign can be completed within a day.

I might be, I might not be. I love wow and I wont buy the shadowlands negativity until ive gone through it myself.

As a dad of 3 that also enjoys other games, its hard to raid and to the harder content. I do anything I can and what happens happens.

(btw so far im in Maldraxxus and im not sure if the story is just bad so far, or nothing is really happening or??? I dunno. I dont feel invested at all to what happened in Bastion.)

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Oh yea, I also forgot about the “dont tell me how to play my class” will also end up with you getting reported and banned temporarily.

I freaking LOVE Bozja btw.

if the actual overworld worked more like Bozja I think it would attract a lot more wow players but thats just me

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Yep. But again, these occasions are rare. And I’ll take FFXIV’s brand of toxicity over any other MMO’s any day.


Its just as high as WoW GDs. Its still an issue and I wish it wouldnt be – because it adds too much tribalism to the game.

I’ve just started reporting everyone who spergs out in public chat channels calling people undergeared, scrubs, noobs etc… Hopefully Blizz starts banning them.

My first castrum run to unlock Delubrum was such a close call. It was pretty epic finishing it after we wiped on Lyon a couple times and were so close to running out of time.


The story is bad.
It’s not you…wait until Rivendreth.

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They are twins, Elzen age slower (aproximatly 1.5 the speed of Hyur (humans)) then other races.

Ya Sadly ARR is the weekest story until it nears the end then it really picks up. Heavensward is godly story wise, Stormblood is great story, and Shadowbringers is Heavensward time 2 in how awesome it is.

Depends on the server, some servers are notorious for that sort of stuff while others aren’t.

Soken is just amazing period, his personality is amazing, his music is brilliant. Its arguable who the FF14 playerbase loves more Yoshi P or Soken.


Get a tunnel. I’m getting 27 ms from mid central Sweden to Frankfurt.

I swear this tunnel is best 100 a year I’ve spent.

Use them anyway. They’re mostly a tool for premade groups/statics and personal performance. No one cares if the healer didn’t eek out a smidge more dps in a duty finder run.

Been using it since EQ2(which was what it was designed for originally)

That’s legit what it was called in a thread I read not long ago.

People complain about people not speaking up, or expecting carried(can’t do it in current content) etc. It’s less elitism and more casuals not caring.

I hear JP hates playing with non JP folks due to play style and attitude differences. I wish I spoke japanese because i actually prefer how they do it.

I can’t comment on EU right yet but I’m playing on Phoenix, I’ll find out soon enough.

JP wants to communicate with others and its usually required for doing high-end content. This is big in JP. JP is the “no screwing around” server that focuses on progression and casual content.

Its also sort of why the Oceania server got implemented.

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Soken freaking worked a full load while in hospital with cancer.

Go listen to “to the edge”. That’s the one he did then.


To the Edge is bad compared to his version of LaHee is, his peak.

These asian MMOs aren’t really that overly profitable, especially on NCsofts end where Lineage 2 makes more money than GW2 + Aion online combined, and L2 is older than WoW. I wouldn’t be surprised to see both those MMOs shut down in the next few years.

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Yeah I imagine so.

I can’t even use the auto translate. I never figured out how it works.

I must say…
That part of the fest got me. :disappointed_relieved:

Yeah, I used it to catch my character up to my wife to play when we bought Stormblood because I hadn’t played HW. But that was only skipping a few levels so I was already familiar with my character.

Definitely a lot thrown at you if you skip to max level as a noob.

Oh IK I just love listening to the music and OST’s, of Shadowbringers Seat of Sacrifice OST is the best followed by Ruby Weapons both phases.

Oh then there is Pagl’than!