FFXIV Endwalker Looks Incredible

Thats mostly because the tomestone treadmill exists and its hardcapped. The treadmill exists but its just timelocked.

And by extension – things like Bozja are endgame treadmills. I doubt most people remember resistance rank 10-15 was just awful and was a grind based upon how much time you spent in Bozja. And now 5.55 is adding 10 more levels with a new area (which we have no clue what is required for progression or how long the levels take).

To talk to other people who feel the same. Duh.

A better question is why you are so threatened by this topic that you had to make an attempt to be nasty. It reeks of insecurity.


Haven’t seen the trailer/reveal for the new release. My laptop can’t play FF lol.
If you don’t enjoy SL and enjoy FF then go play what’s fun.

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Gear exists, as well as ways to improve it, yes. But those expecting the same breadth and intensity of raid and endgame dungeon content will be disappointed. I personally prefer FFXIV’s model, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore the reality of their relatively meagre endgame offerings. It’s only fair to set realistic expectations going in.

Grinds exist in both, but they’re quite different. I don’t know a single person that went into Bozja to actually improve their gear - they want the cosmetics or titles or unique challenges like the 1v1 duels. Improving your item level is an afterthought.

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This is honestly the biggest part about FF14 that I rather like. It feels like the developers are crafting a game for the players whereas the WoW devs craft a game for their metrics. While I can’t honestly say FF14 is better a game, they have far superior developers, and a director that seems to enjoy making people happy rather than upsetting them.

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LOL, yeah … no. Playing Final Fantasy 14 is like being in a race where everyone gets a participation trophy. Plus, it’s filled with creepy weebs … like the entire game is was designed for people who frequently visit Goldshire Inn on ED.

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When we talk about endgame – I extended it past gear. Bozja was a known alternative for non-tomestone gear that was a step below that item level. However, Bozja itself is a semi-required grind for that section of the story as well.

And usually Bozja is related to the Relic weapons (which are endgame).

I wouldnt say they are relatively superior developers – they are just good developers for what the game does best. However, I would be quick to note the shortcomings of said dev team in a similar stance to WoW’s own dev team.

I love the hype around the game and the reveals are amazing, but I just can’t get past the cat/bunny girls.

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Wrong, the toxic ones have left because they have no place there and can be suspended or banned for toxicity. You either adapt to a nice community like I did, or you leave one way or the other.

It could just be that the Japanese userbase won’t put up with the nonsense that westerners do. I’m not sure, but yeah, FF14 seems to be made with actual principles guiding decision making.

There is actual continuity in the FF14 story. No retcons.

If you want to do the Save the Queen questline, you have to do the Ivalice questline from last expansion. Everything builds on itself and they do a much better job of keeping the entire world/past content relevant.

WoW’s developers/writers don’t seem to have any respect for their own game. And, if they don’t, why should I?


Probably but i just can’t get into the game in general.

I can’t get past the creepy weeb component of the audience…

I have trouble making it though the ARR MSQ. It’s just too boring :stuck_out_tongue:

I hear everything after it is much better though.

I’m not disagreeing with you - just pointing out that it’s a completely different philosophy from WoW’s developers, who have a very narrow and focused definition of “endgame.” My whole point is that FFXIV’s definition is more broad, but that breadth necessitated less depth in the systems that people immediately equate with WoW’s raids and dungeon systems.

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It’s not a game for me, but I’m glad others have a game they can enjoy regardless of the nay-sayers. Have fun, friend.

Endwalker sounds like a mob name

Yea but some of that continuity is kind of stupid. The plot of Garlemald of being in political hell with different factions trying to gain power to now “its all mind slaves under Zenos” is a far cry from satisfying storytelling.

Especially now that the WoL will never have a true conflict with the Garlean Empire since its basically cannabalizing itself.

I still don’t understand why FF-online players need to log on the WoW forum to “brag” about their superior product. Financials wise FF-online only generates 1/4th of what WoW makes in a year.

Why would you or any other player care how much revenue the game makes?

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Should probably refrain from spoilers. I haven’t done 5.5.