Ffxiv: ARR the new King of MMORPG

Jesus dude, that hit the nail square on the head.

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Half of those arguments are. “They should’ve done it sooner!” I’m not going to disagree.

ML isn’t coming back anytime soon. As stated many like that change. Lfr is in the game its not going anywhere. Looking at raid participation rates shows that.

A post about FFXIV in the WoW GD forums? That’ll get the crowds up in arms.

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Well considering my initial point was that blizzard refuses to listen to the playerbase, im not sure why “they should have done it sooner”, especially in regards to the pvp vendors being 5 freakin’ years ago, wouldn’t be a valid reason.

Blizzard seems to want to reinvent the wheel every other expansion, and it boggles the mind. Who decided having control over your gear was a bad thing? Who decided and endless grind attached to player power was a good thing?

It just baffles the mind how completely out of touch these decisions are.

For some reason their internal focus groups think this keeps people subbed but it makes no sense to me.

Tier set bonuses are better rental systems than what they currently have going. In their minds these rental systems are more “accessible” to a wider array of players.

But what they miss that it no longer becomes optional if they balance all aspects of WoW around borrowed power.

Never did the MoP legendary cloak and had zero impact for PVP.

Missing out on PVE tier set bonuses? Not a problem because other than a few outliers most specs didn’t rely on tier set bonuses and there was also PVP set bonuses.

But set bonuses were a choice that should have been left to the player. Not everyone went with two PVP trinkets for PVP set bonus as others opted to utilize a PVE trinket. But that was a choice player made and not helicopter parent BlizZard.

:fire: :thinking:

Disagree about the fights. I’m not sure how much end-game content you’ve done, but I’ve played that game since launch and stuck with it for years. The fights are way too predictable and scripted, to the point where it’s a problem.

Nothing interesting ever happens, it’s always “Do the fight exactly like this and win, don’t do it like this and die.” The amount of wiggle room is 0. Eventually you stop feeling like you’re playing your character. You’re playing a living rotation that is also playing DDR.

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The problem is they do listen but ignore what the fan base wants they always say they listen, but come out with what they think best which is usually a uninterested/boring version of what was asked for.

God, i will never heal from the wound that is the removal of Tier sets. What a crippling blow to class individuality and identity. Truly the worst decision they’ve made in recent years.

I never thought id see the day, (like it was massively increased during BFA) Community advertisement for mythic, pvp, mount Runs for sale due to the fact players had standards/time restraints set upon them that were untenable due to the current health of player base a guild state. At least not on the scale it evolved to during BFA. I mean Come on 5 million gold limited edition mount, really? Terrible.

Yeah it still is a bad decision and they refuse to accept they were wrong about it. Also with borrowed power rental systems it has led to a lot of homogenization too.

Shooting blue and orange soda ranged attacks out of your hands as a melee feels wrong LMAO.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not sure why you got upvoted for that?

Covenants have already been changed, making the swapping process easier, with Ion stating that they would take drastic actions as a last resort.

A lot of abilities are actually being taken off of the GCD in Sl.

I don’t know what you mean by randomized loot, but again, SL attempts to make gearing easier, giving the player the option to choose what gear they get and can work for, and this doesn’t even include legendaries.

There are going to be PvP vendors in Sl, and we’re getting pvp stats back.

LFR is LFR, I don’t know what your complaint is, because you didn’t say anything.

Thanks for trying. :grinning:

EDIT: Oh, all of these changes were in response to player feedback. So, I guess you were wrong.

Dang dude, i guess you got me. I guess EVENTUALLY is better than never right? 2 years for GCD changes, 5 years for pvp vendors, gear being randomized for four expansions now, oh and soulbinds still being an absolute balancing mess is pretty good for a small indie company.

but yeah dude, they changed two things after literal years. You got me.

Actually, every expansion has been effected by player feedback. :man_shrugging:

I find the assumption that most of those fleeing WoW will jump ship to another MMORPG questionable. When/if I quit WoW, I’ll probably just quit MMORPGs altogether until something truly groundbreaking in the genre makes its debut — it’d have to be what WoW was to EQ or better to have any appeal. If it’s anywhere close to being on the same plane of existence as WoW, I may as well just play WoW.

One of the main reasons people play MMOs is persistence. The feeling that all progress made is permanent. Now, obviously, gear and stats and stuff change, but leveling, achievements, mounts, etc., are all tied to your account and stay with you.

This is what makes going to a new MMO so difficult. If you’re playing a new MMO, the slightest hint of dissatisfaction, it’s easy to go back to WoW, which you’ve already established with years of investment in a progressively persistent world.

Yep. So naturally, any real “WoW killer” is going to have to be something extraordinary if it’s to keep switchers on board long-term. It can’t just be yet another WoW-type MMO with a couple twists and some annoyances fixed.

if i could spam dungeons to get to max level i probably would be playing ffxiv right now, when i tried it i had to do the most boring questlines i’ve ever seen to unlock dungeons and then do more and more then i just quit

The MSQ is a huge chore if you don’t care about the story.

It’s worthwhile to do and watch all the cutschenes at least once.

That said, its incredibly prohibitive for alts. I just paid for a story skip on my alt.

You can spam dungeons, and it’s actually one of the best ways to level up jobs if you can’t stomach Palace of the Braindead or Heaven on wish I was High.

What’s wrong with silly? Don’t you like to laugh?

FFXIV graphics are realistic-anime, I prefer the silly cartoon style of WoW coupled with the Western storywriting.

Um, my comment was in response to Jonsukad’s. It was pretty hypocritical to refer to FFXIV as a child’s game with cutest graphics when wow is more so. I prefer the style of wow, it is perhaps one of the biggest reasons I stick with this game.