Ffxiv: ARR the new King of MMORPG

I uh… i’d like to direct you to the post remarking on that EXACT same topic made a day or two ago about removing DPS meters on these forums.

I’m sure whoever wrote that article would like to believe that FFXIV is more popular than WoW, but I have my doubts.

There are no real hard facts here that prove the writer’s case, just opinions and opinions are great and all, but they’re not facts.

That’s not as cut and dry as that though. the majority of fights in FFXIV are more fun than most of the content i’ve done in WoW, and the rotations and class nuances are a lot of fun and something WoW has sorely missed for awhile now.

That being said, the game does feel a bit clunkier and it has systems that really show how Japanese mmos really haven’t caught up to the rest of the world.

at the end of the day, they scratch two different itches and i think they coexist well together.

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Yea, the story is pretty cool, but otherwise the game doesn’t grab me like WoW does. I know it’s an MMO, so you don’t exactly expect platforming/action-like controls, but the gameplay in FFXIV has always felt too rigid and slow to me, and the character animations just don’t have the life that WoW does. If you didn’t like the GCD changes in WoW over the last expansion, you would probably hate the feel of most abilities in FF.

oof, gonna have to hard disagree on that one friend. FFXIV has some of the best combat animations i’ve ever seen. Hell, every ability for every class has it’s own unique animation. Seeing that in wow would be a dream.

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FF14 is guilty of the greatest crime in entertainment. It is boring.

Now if ESO could fix its servers (lots of server side lag) I would say ESO is the best mmorpg for me.

I just think it’s hilarious that the oversensitive WoW fanboys had to flag OP’s post because “Muh safe space”…

You guys really are easily threatened by competition, aren’t you?

And for the record. FFXIV is objectively a better game than WoW, period.


I think it’s appropriate to flag a post to a link that immediately asks for your money.

Such as?

Covenants, soulbinds, the GCD changes for 2 years, the removal of master looter, randomized loot, proper pvp vendors, LFR etc. the list goes on honestly.



The truth is finally coming out.

:100: :thinking:

Many are now getting removed

Many like no ML.

Rng exists even in classic

Like the pvp vendors in SL?

They severely nerfed lfr in WoD. Did peeps raid? No. They quit instead.

I left out covenants and soulbinds because i fully think that the “ripcord” Will get pulled 9.1 or 9.2

Ff14 is a different game. If wow had the msq people would be complaining they are “forced” to quest. Or the tradeskills they are forced to not fail making something.

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I have to agree with this. As much as i love wow, and with as many years as i’ve sunk into it, it’s just not as well designed as FFXIV is anymore. At one point Wow was the undisputed king of MMO design, but that line is very blurry now.

The biggest difference i see between wow and FFXIV is that once you’ve capped your weekly objectives in 14, that’s it. You’re done for the week. There’s no endless grind, no infinitely farmable resource used to make your characer SLIIIGHTLY better. You’re done until next week, which personally comes off a little bittersweet to me because contrary to WoW, i actually WANT to keep playing of my own volition.

Imagine that, wanting to continue playing a game because it’s fun and not because some arbitrary number needs to be ever increased.

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The only Final Fantasy I ever liked was the one for Game Cube way back in the day. I could never get into 14, seems like a child’s game with its cutesy graphics.

FFXIV Shadowbringers has a lot of great reviews for new and returning players. This is not an opinion, just go read the reviews and compare it to warcraft’s critiques.

Personally I do not like the style of FFXIV, I tried it. And while I really dislike what Blizzard has done with the lore of Warcraft immensely, it does not mean I will go to another MMO. I’ll just quit like everyone else has. MMO’s are dated and do not have the appeal of other platforms.

WoW used to have waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more polish than FFXIV.

But times have changed and the core WoW game has become neglected in the pursuit of bloated rental borrowed power systems.

I mean systemlands is a nice attempt to fixing the core WoW game for newer players but it still falls short if it ignores class design which is the heart of the issue with WoW at the moment. :100: :fire:

Once a new dev team takes over retail WoW will return as the king of kings of the MMORPG scene.

I believe the silent majority of players will grow weary of the current push to make WoW into a single player action RPG by the diablo B devs. :100: :fire:

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Why i mentioned for two years. Is that a short amount of time for people to be unhappy about something to you? It’s not to me.

and many were perfectly fine with having control of where their loot went rather than it being RNG. Now the option isn’t even there for them. I can’t imagine thinking less options for divvying up loot would ever be considered a good thing seeing as ML wasn’t mandatory to begin with. Don’t like it? Don’t use it. It’s not like anyone is FORCING you to join raids that use it.

This is semantics, because you KNOW the RNG that exists in classic is drop chance, NOT the item itself randomly being better because lol corruption/warforging/sockets

You keep bringing up that they’re FINALLY making these changes after literal YEARS of feedback against them. Do you think that pointing out that they’re adding PVP vendors after almost HALF A DECADE of people complaining about the lack of them actually helps your case?

Why would nerfing it be a good thing when people didn’t want it in the game to begin with? It severely wounded the community and wow has never recovered from it.

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As opposed to WoW? smh. WoW is more childlike by far with even sillier cartoon characters.


Ugh… i really wish they’d stop with this already. Was two expansions not enough to see that people don’t like this crap? We haven’t had a new talent point since Warlords,and everything we’ve had since then has been borrowed power. That feels like Crap. I dont want to rent character progression anymore.

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I have no doubt that World Of Warcraft is on a fast decline, They have done little to bring new people to the game and concentrated on milking current fan base to the point that paying customers are exhausted of their scam techniques when it comes to making money of a loyal, loving community with producing less amount of excellent content they use to be known for. Just my 2 cents from a concerned loyal fan of World Of Warcraft.

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