Yeah i have been, spent all day yesturday playing triple triad lol
This one made me chuckle. I don’t even play FF14 but yes, I’m sure it sucks after just 20 minutes of playing. How much can a new player even do in 20 minutes in an MMO? In WoW I would’ve killed a few boars and maybe picked some apples…
What a moronic thing to say, I tried baking for 20 minutes it was horrible you don’t even get a cake it was a puddle.
Just because a random person on the forums is white knighting the dev team for WoW and saying that the garbage systems they’ve designed aren’t bad - it’s just some player’s opinion they’re bad - doesn’t mean that you’re right.
My first post in this thread was spot on.
It’s kind of wild playing a game where there’s so many things that you can fall into that do nothing for the core MSQ/progression but you can enjoy.
Turns out you’re not allowed to criticize WoW and point out the flaws. Otherwise white knights like Callieamaya will try to dismiss you.
Did you just play the “white knight” card in your post. Gross.
I’d like you to find where I stated I personally think all these systems aren’t bad? I’ll wait.
You’ve been arguing this whole time with me that it’s just opinion that the systems are bad from a design standpoint, rather than factually bad.
That is all you’ve said.
White Knight again. Yikes.
You’re getting mad, aren’t you?
You’re playing the, “u mad bro” card while whining about being called a white knight?
Lol. I can leave now.
Most people are commenting on how stupid making judgements on a MMORPG is within 20 minutes, not really a fanboys.
I am still playing wow, but ive heard the hype is at ff14!
Yes. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m stating everything you’ve stated is your opinion. I agree with some of the things you’ve stated, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s all just opinions.
And then I raised a design flaw in the Ford Pinto design and by your logic, it’s opinion that it’s a design flaw.
It’s not hard to accept you’re wrong. Design can be good or bad, and it doesn’t always require an agent with an opinion to decide that. Sometimes you can look at it at its core and determine it is not good.
Nah. I’m just pointing out for your benefit that you may not want to use that term. It’s kind of cringy.
But that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re defending demonstrably bad systems that required extensive balancing and tweaking in order to make halfway acceptable.
But the comparison would be just your opinion.
So, 20 minutes would be about the time you end up in Limsa.
Lisma couldn’t keep your attention, kupo?
Smells like a a sunday post.
I’m not defending anything. I’m just pointing out that everything you’re stating is just your opinions.