Ff14 sucks… back to WoW!

Yeah I did the same thing but many years ago before all the “changes,” I have considered downloading again but why I barely have enough time for WoW let alone time to learn another game.

yeah this is where i stopped believing he had ever even played … or looked at any screenshots.

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“a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.”


“a thing that is known or proved to be true.”

Have… you seen blood elves?

Crafting gear is so that crafters have an endgame of sorts, and the best gear that can be made isn’t immediately redundant - there’s a minor barrier of entry for it and there’s content for crafter/gatherers to do. There are a large amount of players who play the game solely for crafting/gathering, and that means their endgame is just as real and important as someone raiding.

Crafting gear is required for certain, “breakpoints” (same with gathering) which allows you to make the high quality (there is a difference in terms of stats on Normal Quality (NQ) and High Quality (HQ) items) gear, which is some of the best in the game at its release.

That’s fair. WoW is a game that railroads people into one or two (if you PVP) endgames, so it makes sense that a game that creates endgames for as many people as possible as a design decision is hard to get used to.

How quickly does OP quit new jobs?

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Fact: Artifact Power, Azerite Power, Corruptions, and Shards of Domination are all terrible systems and the first three required extensive balancing and tweaking in order to reach a sort of okay state.


It is though.

You can like bad design, it just means you like it. That doesn’t mean the design is good. Call me arrogant if you want, but you can’t argue that bad design is good just because some people actually like it.

That’s not how it works.

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Once again, that’s not a fact. That’s your opinion. There are people out there, not me, that like those systems.

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If the servers were shutdown the game would be dead, dying is being in the process of decreasing player counts and going in that direction.

I mention also just as a final note - I recently tried to get back in the game to see if my opinions had changed. After half an hour of fruitlessly trying to log in and being repeatedly refused because of password/ID issues (and I had a complete record of my account details and was able to get into my actual account page online) I gave up. Whatever the issue was, it tried my patience beyond its limits. Im just too old and tired to put up with a game putting up walls before I can even press play.

Please explain how a Japanese game made by Japanese developers and published by a Japanese company is a weeb game.

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Opinions once again. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but what you are stating is just opinions.

Once again, liking bad design doesn’t mean it’s good design. You need to stop trying to act like it does.

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If it was a good system, it wouldn’t require heavy tweaks and balancing throughout an expansion and it wouldn’t be largely unpopular.

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Meh im enjoying it more than i have wow in some time. And im only at the level 38 msq.

And you need to understand the difference between opinions and facts. You clearly don’t.

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Ooh, there’s lots of stuff ahead. Try dabbling in other jobs if you get bored, or even try crafting/gathering. When I did that’s all I did for 3 weeks straight.

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I like FF14 but hate you can barely read the text boxes from the NPC…and there is no voices from the NPC unless its a cut scene…other then that is nice looking…

I liked WoW within the first few seconds of playing my first time. I didn’t like FF14. That’s not to say FF doesn’t get better, because it does, but I just like WoW more. I’ve played a lot of other MMOs, yet I always come back to WoW.

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