Maybe I’m just so used to WoW but I didn’t even last 20 minutes into that game, just wanted to see what all the hype was about, it is garbage compared to WoW. All those who left to play ff14 I guarantee will come back.
I think you meant to say the game just isn’t for you. You can’t really claim a game is garbage if you’ve played only 20 minutes of it. You can speak only for yourself, not others.
Incoming attack by the FFXIV fanboys in T-minus 10 seconds.
If this is true, you have no point of reference to claim
because you barely make it out of town in 20 minutes.
That makes about as much sense as not liking WoW because you couldn’t exit the starting area.
20 minutes is nothing in an MMO, no matter what game you play.
Just by looking at the graphics , the characters, just everything was lame compared to WoW. I know you guys are defending ff14 but it really doesn’t beat WoW, not even close
LOL anyone that calls a game trash after 20 minutes of play is not someone I give ANY credibility to.
I agree that WoW is vastly superior to FF14 but your 20 minute opinion is not worth the time it took you to type it out.
If people judged an MMO within the first 20 minutes, no new players would play WoW. That’s not how you judge an MMO.
In the first 20 minutes you probably did two quests. The tutorial.
ffxiv is a nice distraction but not a long-term mmo. welcome home.
I have never played FFXIV before, I’m just saying your opinion that the game is trash is absolutely worthless and meaningless, since you only played it for about as long as some people take to customize their character.
I disagree. The only reason it’s a, “distraction” from some players stuck in the WoW trap, is that the grinds are all optional and you don’t have to do them - but in WoW that’s not true.
FFXIV is far better as a casual game, and for hardcore players that just want to clear the content.
You know, I started playing WoW on day 1 and let me tell you, if I gave the game only 20 minutes, I never would have played for 17 years.
You do you though, I’ll never claim every game is for every person, it just doesn’t work that way lol.
Been playing since 2013. Feels fairly long-term to me.
People keep saying things like ‘oh you gotta play at least x amount of time’ before you have fun etc but never question why they have the play that amount of time to start having fun.
I mean most people can’t handle the reality that ff14 really is garbage, oh well maybe someday they’ll get out of their weird cat girl fantasies and realize they only left cause they outgrew the mmo genre as a whole.
Hold onto something because I’m about to blow your mind…
BOTH games suck.
Also, I installed and uninstalled WoW about 3 times before I actually decided to go further than the starting zone. Now, it’s my favorite and most played MMORPG, or just game in general.
Honestly, when WoW was first released, it was a big game changer. It was way different than anything I’d played before and I think that’s true for most. But WoW now is such a hot mess, especially as a new player, that it doesn’t nothing new, game changing, or interesting for a new player. If anything it does far less and ends up being one of the worst new player experiences.
Welcome to MMOs? If you like RPGs, FFXIV can be fun pretty much from the start, as there’s massive story elements from the first cinematic.
FF14 is still a growing MMO. It’s weird you post on a game that is dying’s forum that the other game that is doing very well is bad.
If I’m not having fun playing a game, I’m immediately questioning why I’m not having fun. And then I try and figure out if it’s something inherent in the game, or if it’s just that I’m not used to the style or controls or whatever, and it’s something I’ll get better at over time.
But I guess I’m an outlier that way.
I like my weird, catgirl fantasy though.