Ff14 sucks… back to WoW!

I think it’s a cool game, very pretty, but it does take a lot to get used to. Just opening the FF map was overwhelming at first glance, but I’ve just piddled around with the free trial. Mainly to me it’s UI differences to get used to.

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yeah its rough. it takes a long time before you get enough off-gcd abilities to make the 2.5 seconds gcd feel playable.

idk wtf they were thinking. the first impressions are terrible when it comes to combat.

you wanna hook ppl early not make them fall asleep…

It’s different, that’s for sure. If you only played 20 minutes, though, I don’t really know if you have seen enough to classify it as ‘garbage’ though :joy:

Also for anyone who is thinking of trying it… push through until the first expansion. It gets so much better after ARR.

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20 minutes isn’t very long, still maybe that game isn’t for you. I had a similar reaction the 1st time I played it but I gave it another shot, and another.
It’s actually pretty good but that’s me. I’m not really interested in competing in raids, mythic anything.
I play WoW lightly and lately there doesn’t seem to be too much in it for me although I love pvp so will probably hang out/come back for that eventually.

FF is a bit different in that it’s more an rpg before it’s an mmo. WoW is more an mmo before it’s an rpg, I guess is the best way to describe it.
I got that from someone else and thought it fit pretty good.

You may change your mind in time. You never know.
Also, mmo’s don’t seem to be as popular to play anymore so there’s that to consider as well.
The future is uncertain. As always.

This is what they were thinking.

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I heard pvp is crap. Not that it would matter to me anymore. My wrists are so bad. But I really am sick of hearing about FF. It really does sound like a cult. No thanks.

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love how this forum post started with old mate saying " i tried for 30 mins it’s terrible" and it has turned into people saying nah i like it oh you do me to where are you playing i like how i can do X do you?

I’ve tried it on four separate occasions and not just for 20 minutes at a time. I can pretty much agree with your sentiments. The combat system is night and day compared to WoW. In FFXIV it’s plodding, monotonous and I just feel like walking in sinking quicksand with how slow and awful the combat is and how it feels.

I also dislike how disjointed all of the zones and cities feel due to sections having to be loaded in so often. I also hate the, “on the rails” feel in many cities where you are stuck on taking one path. You may be able to seel water or streets and paths below, but you can’t jump down because of, “reasons”.

The quests are all over the place, boring and written poorly.

There’s nothing fun about the game for me.

Meanwhile, I don’t see you telling the hundreds of threads on here saying “WOW IS GARBAGE, TRY FF14” the same thing.

Nightborne say “Hi, Lazlo!”

Oh the irony.

There is no bigger cult than WoW fans.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Moral: you don’t quite have to listen to Asmogold.

Moral 2: do not live from sensationalism and fashion and trend garbage.

The only real fun to be had is from Extremes and Savage as your “Midcore” content, but the general playerbase of the game is so bad that Savage is seen as “Hardcore” though I’d place Savage roughly around heroic raid difficulty, maybe slightly harder but easier than Mythic.

Ultimate are also a thing if you’re into even higher difficulty content but you’re not gonna get a lot of those. Maybe once every 2 years?

(Goes to the movies) Time to go, I saw the intro, figured this whole thing out.

C’mon, not even gonna try? 1/10.

While I’m certainly not gonna defend OP and say “20 minutes is fine to judge a game”

FF14 has a HORRENDOUS first impression, like the game treats you like an absolute tool for way too long, classes feel awful and combat is slow as molasses until you start getting oGCD’s and more things to weave in between your 2.5 second GCD. These oGCD’s don’t start showing up until 40+ and even then some jobs don’t even feel good to play until 60+.

MSQ locks everything behind it, you hit level 60? Too bad, you’re still in ARR, want to unlock your Heavensward skills? Too bad, keep finishing up ARR MSQ.

Again, not saying OP is right or anything in the sense 20 mins is a good judge, but a first impression goes a long way.

Yup, and giving a real chance means more. I spend the first 20 minutes of WoW setting up addons, bars

Yes, because you can ascertain the worth of something and form a well informed opinion within twenty minutes. lol

Play the games you like but this is more than a little silly.

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Yeah it is a terrible game. I don’t get the hype.

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Tic tac toe

Questing in FF14 be like

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…when does this get fun yo?