FF14 lost 30% of playerbase in 1 month

The general attitude towards boosting in FFXIV is: NO. The story isn’t a grind - its content. its rewarding for those who love a epic wholesome story. To someone who isn’t a story person, it can be a grind but it isn’t their their type of games…rpgs that is. Clearing the actual content and killing the bosses is fun as well, it doesn’t feel like a grind. Its also once a week kill. Yes there is a “grind” to leveling alt jobs, but if you enjoy the job it’s not all that bad honestly. As for gathering, you can go to diadem and afk all day after lvl 10, and be lvl 90 gatherer in no time. As well as add in an occasion leave.


Not much of a citation needed, considering the game was out for many, many years prior to Steam introduction. Playing FFXIV through Steam also came with a lot of hiccups in the past, making it not a particularly popular avenue.


At same time, what viewers are watch plays in as well. Are they watching raids or pvp matches as WoW is know more for PvP than FF.

So your claim is unsubstantiated and meaningless. I can easily claim the opposite. In fact, I will.

Most players play through the steam.

Don’t know, but usually if they are watching, they aren’t playing. I’ve watched Asmon and Esfand and most of their chat says they don’t play WoW. They just watch it because it’s chill.

Not only that, but it’s also only ONE of the three ways to play the game. In average there are prolly more playing via launcher/Playstation.


When most people signed up through the launcher because it was the only way to sign up then yeah, it’s mostly through the launcher. Steam came in later. That is something you can look up. Steam launcher wasn’t released until 2014.


FFXIV isn’t for everyone. And that’s perfectly fine. I disagree with the whole “just get through ARR and then it gets good” line, though. It’s all good, IMO. It just keeps getting better the more you play through the game, so ARR seems “less good” than the later expacs. But it’s still quite fun.

LOL You pretty obviously don’t know anything about the history of the game.


LOL that what funny about this is the might be more watching WoW than actually playing any of its content.

WoW Esports get’s almost no views. People aren’t watching WoW because of the great gameplay, they are watching because of the various streamers.

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I’m a duskwight elezen. While toxicity is relatively low in ffxiv compared to most other multiplayer games I play duskwight elezen get some undeserved hate.


Agreed, they do get some hate, or jokes at the very least. Kind of like elves in WoW.

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Cept that questline leading up to Titan. That almost broke me. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well. Since it’s only been added onto steam recently and a good junk of the playerbase is on console as well. I’d find it highly unlikely 51% or more of players play through steam.


Who talk about how much it has fallen since Classic.

Haha fair. I kind of got a kick out of how classic it was, in a sense. The WoL doing simple, down-to-earth tasks like putting together a feast or whatever is a pretty common trope throughout the game (the humble hero image), and the giggle came from it being you putting on a feast for yourself. xD


TBF Esfand doesn’t talk about that stuff. And Asmon will talk about the game’s flaws (so does everyone that plays) but still plays it and overall loves the game.

Classic has also seen a surge lately with it’s season of mastery stuff and it’s getting a new PVP season. So people are coming back for that.

Boosting is literally just for alts. It’s not the most alt friendly game (since you can do everyone on one char) but folks make alts for a variety of reasons and that’s why the boosts exist. If you dislike the story so much that you feel compelled to boost on your first char than FFXIV probably just isn’t for you. Yeah the story gets better but you’ll need/want that context from early on.


Are we putting labels on creature now? If it says it a troll then it a troll you do not get to decide who they want to be.

I only watched Asmon a few times ,so not any kind of expert on what they talk about. I just going off of what other posters complain about with streamers.