FF14 lost 30% of playerbase in 1 month

MMO only means there are other human players sharing the same digital environment. It in no way means you have to group up with strangers or do anything in a group.

Weā€™re talking about Final Fantasy, not WoW.

God forbid.


Does WOW, LOTRO, SWTOR, EQ, EQ2 or any other of the biggest MMOs ever made force you to group up to advance the leveling experience? NO NOT ONE


I wasnā€™t a fan of the story or gameplay. I wanted to like it because there are things about FF that I really enjoy, such as player housing, customization, emotes, dyes, etc. Itā€™s an okay game for me still in the sense that I can log in and just hang out at my friendā€™s house or something. But itā€™s not something that I can play outside of that.

MMO = mostly me onlineā€¦ Out here dancing by myself

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Steam isnā€™t even where most FFXIV players play. But no, we didnā€™t quit. We take breaks like everyone does with every game. Iā€™ll resub once islands are in.


o gawd! and how many does WoW typically lose after a the first month or so?
Normal stuff. Why the need to bash FF14? Got a grudge? Itā€™s just another game.




This is normal for every game ever released. Hype builds up, people play the game, then they move on.

Itā€™s typical human behavior, nothing alarming here.

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everyone and their mom is a cat girl.

Very few login through steam.

That said, yeah thereā€™s been a drop off as people finish the story and donā€™t want to play endgame stuff. Only 5-10 min queues now at peak hours where Iā€™m at.

Patches see the return just like any mmo.

FF is in fine health.


Someone actually flagged you. Glad it got cleared. I swear some people just go through the forums flagging stuff.

Speak for yourself.

Iā€™m a catboy.

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Not a lot of people watch FFXIV because of itā€™s story heavy approach. People donā€™t want spoiled and just want to experience it all first hand. WoW story is very much to the side. Even after becoming more story focused.

Hearthstone is probably propped up by Kripp alone, haha.


I went Au Ra, and dressed her as Sailor Mars.



Most people donā€™t play through Steam.


Hey nowā€¦ Proud Bun Boy representing. Heh, though before that I was Elezen. :slight_smile:


Citation needed.