FF14 lost 30% of playerbase in 1 month

I think they mostly complain about Bellular who has gone almost completely negative.

Iā€™m not sure how common of a line it is, I thought only my friends said it until Thallia mentioned it in this thread as well.

I liked the initial questing in Uldah (started as a BLM), but I really didnā€™t enjoy the Minfillia character or anything related to the Scions. And they dominated the MSQ for a good while. I did think Alphinaud and Thancred were interesting until they got involved with the Scions. Yshtola was the only saving grace for me there.

The stuff with Merlwyb, Kanesenna, and Raubahn did nothing for me either.

What ultimately killed the game for me though was my experience in Praetorium and Castrum. It killed any investment that I had in the story. Felt extremely unfriendly to new players.

Quinn69 in a nutshell. Heā€™s influence was the worst. Decided he didnā€™t like the story so he skipped to endgame, was confused on mechanics in the omega boss fight, proceeded to ā€œreview FFXIVā€ calling it trash and other stuff and moved on. I think he only did it because it was the trend back then. Sucks he has so many fans, they all think FFXIV sucks now because of his negative influence, then again I heard he had changed and has a history of trashing games after trying them just barely.


Nope, youā€™re dead wrong. Factually, historically wrong. Cap tomes, raid, done.

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No not really . Good for RP though . A lot better than WoW can ever hope to be but for everything else , naah

Outside of very high end raiding, itā€™s a better game. Itā€™s better at the mid-tier of raiding, itā€™s better for casuals, itā€™s better for crafters. It has vastly superior gearing systems. It has a ton of optional, actually fun to play content. It has systems that encourage experienced players to help new players.

Itā€™s quite better than WoW is almost every way that matters these days.


I think itā€™s normal for an mmo.

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Does this mean that I can finally make a character in FF14 if I want?


It is hilarious people post love stories on here about FF and no problem and yet someone canā€™t post the opposite without being flagged. Sure a mixed up group of players on this forum.


Shadowland sold what 1.5 times what Endwalker did ?

And I am pretty sure expansion 10 will outsell Endwalker too. Pretty clear where the larger player base is

But even if his honest review was negative, heā€™d still be FF fansā€™ most hated enemy. Video game tribalism is crazy.

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Ff14 had to stop selling i heard because the amount of people flooding in.

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Donā€™t you lose your house ?

While you lose nothing in WoW . Looks like FF14 is the one you need to log in all the time !!

people become fans of streamers who tend towards their own playstyle. If Quinn didnā€™t like it, it is really doubtful his fans would either.

Story is what always bores me in games.

Nope, wrong, gg for trying though.

Um, until you get a race changeā€¦ you are literally a troll

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I wouldnā€™t even call it a review, heā€™s the same as that journalist who struggled on Cupheadā€™s tutorial level on the jump-dash for a long time then died non stop to first level enemies and rage quit, yet decided to publish a review anyway. Some people donā€™t realize to review a game you MUST play a good deal of it, not suck at it or get impatient and quit. This will be happening soon again with Elden Ringā€¦as per all FROMSOFTWARE games(soulsborne).

The PvP is garbage in FF14.

I can always play BGā€™s on WoW and have fun anytime of the day and night.


FF14 ppl need to make any excuse for the fact the SL sales blew Endwalker out of the water. And I will wager my house that Expansion 10 will blow Endwalker out of the water too !!

The PVP in both games are different, it doesnā€™t suck, its just not your style. You like the ability of being able to kill multiple people with overpowered gear or of the like. And thatā€™s ok, but that doesnā€™t make FFXIVā€™s pvp garbage. If anything I say I tolerate 14ā€™s pvp a LOT more because thereā€™s no ridiculous infinite stuns or ccs like wow does. Also, Iā€™ve had very close matches often where all 3 sides were close to 1600 score, their pvp is a whole lot better to some degreeā€¦unless what you like is infinitely cc and stunning players and making them stop pvp. Itā€™s also very heavily team-focused which you donā€™t seem to like much.

Are you just throwing out random opinions now? Because I donā€™t know where we can check how many copies of SL and EW were sold. It really seems like you just wanna hate FFXIV for being a competitor and better then WoW in many areas, and canā€™t accept wow is dying from within. Gotta get off that copium and stop making up random stuff. Thatā€™s called misinformation.

WoW has actually been losing more and more players every expansion. I will be joining them if they donā€™t fix wow up and go back to a fun game, not a game for investors and esports. Iā€™m not saying this because I enjoyed EW or anything of the like moreā€¦Iā€™m saying this because Iā€™m tired of what Ion is doing and the last straw was pushing both FLYING and BORROWED POWER behind many week of grinding. Like the old saying ā€œgive them an inch, they take a mileā€. They are beta testing us to become comfortable with features we hate like mission tables and borrowed power. And now double grind flying. Eventually weā€™ll be grinding flying every patch! Itā€™s getting out of control.