FF14 lost 30% of playerbase in 1 month

FF has a ton of grinding, though. First, unless you pay for a boost, you have to play through the storyline of every expansion. Then, once you’re done there, you need to do the raids to get tokens to get the top gear.

Or once you complete the story, you can level a different job, learning an entirely new way to fight, and having to possibly get all new armor, and maybe finally doing all of those side quests.

Or you can learn a profession, wandering from place to place, gathering materials, or spending your money for mats.

The grind in FF is different from WoW, but you can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. And, in some ways, it’s even worse than WoW.

But we digress…

probably cause those people only played for the story…

unlike wow ff14 revolves around the story, you literally cant play the game without it, in wow you can skip most of the story and go straight to pvp, m+, raid

i got renown 80 before even finishing the chains of domination campaign

you cant even get into the first dungeon in ff14 without unlocking it through the story


I spent an hour listening to NPCs whine at me with their problems and make me be their personal messenger girl. Then I got to kill five ladybugs. As a ranger something or other, I looked like a Mage and noped out.

Game just went back on sale a couple days ago and the servers are starting to fill up again already lol.


The same thing happens to WoW. Endwalker IMO isn’t that interesting in the current patch. I didn’t even bother gearing for the new raid because we are supposed to be moving forward with the story, but instead they have us going backward in time for the 1st raid. Kind of dumb, but w/e.

Archer. That somehow gets updated to bard at 30.

FFXIV sucks, so if it is true, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Garbage MMO.

Please do not take this as an insult, but this is a very, ‘World of Warcraft,’ mindset.

WoW has trained it’s players to see the story, the actual content of an expansion, as meaningless filler, a time-waste that exists only because it’s expected in a game.

That’s not really the point of an RPG. An RPG, MMO or single-player, is a game that tells a story. If you’re not enjoying the story, if you’re not playing to experience that story, then why are you even playing an RPG to begin with? At some point, Blizzard decided WoW is an RPG in name only, but that the game is more of an E-Sport. Leveling? Story? That only exists to get you to the REAL gameplay of end-game. Past expansions are meaningless fluff you can just skip.

It’s not what an RPG should be.


Wow, 30% is a huge drop off.

I guess that’s what happens when you play FF because you don’t like WoW, instead of playing FF because you like FF. :joy:

Yeah, that’s the other thing I keep hearing: “the game gets better once you hit level 30!”

Sorry, but if it doesn’t immediately grab my attention, I’m not wasting my time slogging through 30 levels I hate.

I remember hearing this. I got to level 30 and still hated it. Then people told me the game “actually” gets better after ARR (post 55) so I stopped playing.


RPG does not imply story. It implies leveling/stat based mechanics.

MMO’s have always been about the grind, not so much the story. The story is there to help players level.

FFXIV takes this to an extreme and forces players through the story. Not a great way to create the MMO aspect of an MMORPG.

That’s interesting! Playing through SL I’ve heard nobody say it gets better at higher levels. Most people tend to agree it’s even worse at 60. Wonder why this is?

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“Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative.” In other words, yes, a story is not only implied, it’s mandatory for an RPG.


I gave FF14 a whirl. It was exactly the same as any other old MMO with a bunch of fetch/killx quests. Then I ran into having to do dungeons to advance the leveling story line. I quit at that point. I honestly don’t see the allure of the game. It wouldn’t let me make multiple characters on the same server, and the combat system isn’t anymore entertaining than what we have here.

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Not interested in the tribalism debate on which MMORPG is better. I never once made a comparison so I’m not sure why you’re replying with one.

Different games appeal to different people… and that’s ok.

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Multiplayer content in MY MMO!? No, sir!


The first 16 is the worst but once you unlock roulettes, it goes much faster. Or just level 1 job through msq and then you get a bonus on leveling alt jobs.

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So many people dislike FF14 because they are used to something else. FF has always been story driven. Why would their MMO not also be? It’s fair if you don’t like the story, but I also know a lot of people who just skip through all the story and then are annoyed by the “slog.”

Just not the game for them, and that’s fine.

See above. It’s a FF game first and foremost. Story is what they do, and they are good at it. The story progressively gets better every expansion IMO. Unlike progressively getting worse in a certain other MMO I play.


It’s probably just indicative of a certain streamer taking a break