FF14 lost 30% of playerbase in 1 month

3 mounts is still something i have to rush to get. Also lets not forget mage tower. Pvp gladiator sets etc.


A couple of points:

  1. Steam is only one way to play. I get the game directly from SE, and don’t use Steam.
  2. (And more importantly) Until recently all of the FF servers were overloaded, so not only were they not selling the new expansion, and lowering the priority of trial players, the queues to get on were in the 1000+ range during the most popular times to play. I play both FF and WoW (and enjoy both), but waiting an hour to log in was driving me to my alts.

It’s no wonder gameplay slowed down, and not a sign of anything.


So you don’t like fomo. Ok. Not a fan either I’ll say. But FF14 also has fomo so you dislike it too right?

FFXIV in a lot of ways is difficult to compare to WoW. So much so I’m surprised so many players left to play it.

About half way through the MSQ I realized I’d rather be playing WoW but I was so sick and tired of WoW’s volatility that I stuck through. Reading these forums has made me realize nothing has changed, and probably never will.

I’m speaking about any grind that takes a long time of the same kind of content over and over. Reputations, glyphs soon, torghast was a grind, reown, etc. It’s the “candy on a stick” type of situation.

The majority of the FF14 playerbase does not use Steam but SE own launcher.


This is one of the many reasons I’m not playing. Catching up sounds like hell and they’re just going to reset everything. It used to just be levels and gear and now it’s levels gear, anemi, conduits and whatever else they’ve added and they’re adding MORE in 9.2

Not only this but it wasn’t available on steam until more recently. Which means anyone on steam has a newer account. a 70% retention rate of new players is actually pretty darn good. Most folks try out a game and then abandon it.


Oh jolly. Put no grind, players complain. Put grind, many of which are either easy or optional, people complain. Why are you even playing a mmo?

You got a source for anyone ever complaining about no grind in WoW? Has WoW ever had no grind for folks to complain about?


There’s ways to makes grinds fun without being a investors farm, which is what wow has become. I’m fine with grinds as long as they keep being refreshing or new in some way…not this “do wqs for 2 months to get exalted every patch” system we have…its gotten boring and stale.

The countless threads about people complaining about having nothing to do? Not my job to go back in time, have a blast on my behalf. Been there, done that.

Please enlighten me on how you can make any grind fun if you don’t like grind in the first place.

Yeh, where as compare that to FF. You can just run the newest normal raids a few times (they will prolly have no loot lockout by then), and get everything you need in basically under a few hours. If you want even faster, you can just go to the marketplace and buy the newest crafted gear and pentameld it. All the gear has the static stats and static materia slots, so you know what you’re getting, and it will all be good enough to do any content you’d want to do.

FF purposefully makes gearing easy and simple so they can put the focus on the activities they put out. In WoW is feels like the activities they put out are there entirely to supplement the gear treadmill. :frowning:

Edit: And yeh, mostly of people I see who play this game play through Square’s launcher or Playstation. The Steam users I know are in the minority. Honestly though, I still see people everywhere and the queues for group content are still fast, so I am happy. :slight_smile:


Do… do you really think there are only two options nothing or grinds? Because that’s not how this works. Grinds are just time gated content.

Nice buzzword usage




It’s a freakin’ awesome game. Originally in arcades but I think there’s a Sega port for it. It’s basically football with (IIRC) Vikings vs. Barbarians. No, not the Minnesota Vikings, actual vikings.

If one team starts getting really behind in the score, they get a Troll. Basically like having an NFL running back placed on a high school team. It’s a mechanic to allow a losing team to catch up.

Great great fun game. Football with violent death.

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FF14 and retail players slap fighting over player size, when WoW classic’s presence in China likely makes it the #1 MMO by far.

FF14 is overrated though. Endwalker was decent, but people massively overhype the quality of the story. It had some good high points, but too much of it is a boring visual novel with very little gameplay.

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I bought the starter edition of FF14. Played I think to level 2 and then quit.

It is absolutely not WoW.