Link to your data. Oh that’s right, you read it in the forums that Asmongold mind-controlled millions of players who were satisfied with wow and had never watched him even once into quitting wow and playing FF instead.
Nope. If 7 million copies of Shadowlands were sold and there are now 1-2 million players tops that means at least 5 million people left on their own.
There is no one to blame but blizzard and their designer hubris.
I sub for FF14 for the story each expansion. It’s as much content as a single player game and easily some of the best story telling in any RPG. I play through it. I level 2 jobs for fun… then I leave feeling not a minute was wasted. I’ll come back in a year or so to play through the new content, and then preorder the next expansion.
For me, FFXIV falls flat in the end game and I can’t put my finger on why. Once I’m done with the story, I’m pretty much done with it until more comes.
Nonetheless, I love FFXIV for what it is and think nothing but the best of its developers. Maybe it’s the way every time I go back to them, I get exactly what I’m looking for: an amazing story experience. It has no time gates, there’s nothing that’s trying to force me to stay subbed.
The game just feels so much less desperate and, candidly, pathetic than WoW… the way the systems in WoW try to punish you for not giving them all your time. Also, story is important to me… and WoW’s story is trash.
Just like every mmo out there it loses a ton of players within the first month, people don’t like admitting that though but they scream from the rooftops when it comes to something else like new world losing players after launch.
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Its also refeshing to hear an mmo devloper say its okay to take a break.
You need to be told it’s okay to take a break?
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No but hearing a devloper acknowledge thats its okay to take a break instead of these scumbag vampires that try and suck you dry is refreshing.
I left FF14, too. Did the main story and left, just like I do every patch release.
What do you mean suck you dry? Speak up.
I’m getting on once a week lately and I don’t feel like I’m losing anything at all because I’ve gotten everything I was aiming for. What compels you to get on above what you feel lik you want to, and why is it on Blizzard’s?
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Horrible. What a slog. I tried but can’t bring myself to sit through them.
I’ve eaten a bunch of them.
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Aotc is an example ya dont do it leaves forever. Whereas in ff14 i can take my time to enjoy things and process everything.
There are 3 aotc mounts in all the tiers. And none in the 2 expansions, the so called 2 worst expansions. Aotc is otherwise meaningless since nobody looks for it unless it’s for pugging while it’s current.
Try again.
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So you admit the aotc mounts go away
WoW gets mentioned on the ffxiv forums sometimes buts it’s not nearly as often as ffxiv gets mentioned here (take a look at the off topic forum section). A lot of people play both games and one doesn’t have to die for the other to live.
WoW people have become really jaded, because a lot of MMOs have had the “WoW killer” title given to them by despondent WoW players that want an alternative, and it hasn’t been true. Ffxiv is doing better than WoW right now, is more liked by its fans, and seems to be the “spotlight” MMO people are talking about right now. That can stir up a lot of resentment, especially with trolls constantly spamming the forums with the latest news regarding its recent successes with the goal of goading people.
I hope that doesn’t stop anyone from trying it though, and competition is good for the consumer, so you should hope it continues to do well, and the Ffxiv people should want WoW flourish too- I think they already do.
Thank you vulpera for explaining we can enjoy both but giving your opnion on the matter.
So 3 mounts out of 415. God you have a low threshold.
That’s just Steam alone, anyone reading this comment, I would like to let you know OP is using ONE source FFXIV is available through. I play FFXIV via direct client, not steam so that is no where near a accurate number.
And as Yoshi-P said, he’s happy if players sub for 1 or 2 months then take a break. They do not force horrible grinds like Ion does to keep you subbed under long endless grind farms. They make quality over quantity.
That being said, this happens with every game ever. This will also happen with Elden Ring and other games soon, it gets a HUGE boost in player numbers on release, and it draws out over a month or 2. This is what’s called the “formation of true player base” in which the core players stay and the “visiting players” move onto something else.
There will be a huge drop as well soon with Lost Ark(due to new game releases, Elden Ring being one on feb 24th), and can personally attest that I will be putting FFXIV on hold when Elden Ring and Forspoken come out as they are the biggest excitements for me coming out this year but it doesn’t mean I quit because hype was over or some stupid reason op makes up. It’s just the way things work.
I love the final end game as much as the story in FF14, so I stay constantly, but your view is no less valid. What I love is that you can play like that, and when you DO come back basically just jump right back in since gearing to current endgame levels takes less than a few hours. The game is very friendly to multiple playstyles, and that’s one of the areas it shines.
Compare that to WoW, where if you take a few months break and come back you have about 7 systems you need to jump through, on top of the gear you need often being complete luck as to whether it drops. -_-
I like FF because it gives me that ability to just be done if I want to be. I can do the quests I want easily. I can farm the mounts, gear, and glamour I want easily. I can reach a point where I’m done just buy putting a little bit of guaranteed time in. In WoW it’s a never ending treadmill of rng and timegated lockouts.
I still fail to see what endless grinds WoW has. They actually got rid of the only actually endless grind this expansion, AP.