FF14 lies?

It’s not even been communicated that they know there’s a problem?
That’s how disconnected Blizzard is from its community, whereas Final Fantasy hosted a gigantic, hours long informational on how they’re dealing with the surge of players.

WoW won’t survive FF14 and Ashes of Creation with this mentality, neither by the players or the company.


This has happened since Wotlk. The WoW playerbase has dwindled ever since.

People care about numbers because WoW is a large game and I like when it’s full of other people to play with. WRA and MG are practically empty these days. The game is better when there’s plenty of other people around.

Edit: And just because the playerbase is dwindling since WoTLK does not mean it’s ok for it to continue. Is it normal? Possibly. Let’s not act like it’s completely acceptable though when things can be done to minimize the exodus.

Good luck having an infinite game with a finite playerbase…

And it’s responses like this that contribute to the problem. Nothing of substance that contributes to a conversation, just snarky responses that have nothing to do with concerns at all just to try and one up someone.

No wonder people are getting mad and leaving.

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True… a lot could probably be done.

But considering that blizzard have refused to do anything about it for many years now, I doubt change is about to come anytime soon. You see it expansion after expansion, each as bad as the one before. Legion saw a small surge of players again, but it just fell hard again with BFA and Shadowlands.

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That’s a little over sensitive, don’t you think?

What I meant was, if you didn’t immediately take offense for no reason, was that you can’t just keep adding content onto content and expecting infinite players to fill that void; you have to make use of old content like other games are doing.

That is a very different message than the one you posted and I point back to my post you’re referencing, especially since you have to deflect to being “overly sensitive” to justify it. Context is an important part of a message. If you want to have a conversation I’m more than happy to do it, but I won’t engage further with someone who’s going to attack and try to argue.

Also what’s frustrating with Legion is that it shows Blizzard is capable of bringing back and retaining players. It feels like the quality has just dropped immensely since then and the effort isn’t being made to return to it.

I know, right?

It’s not like if the sub numbers dropping means there are less people to play with, servers with fewer people, smaller auction house, less resources to build guilds, etc.

It’s not like sub numbers dropping means less revenue, which means a smaller budget than whatever pool of money allowed for 8+ months of development that produced the bug-ridden untested mess that is 9.1.

Not to mention the entire side economy that WoW makes such as Wowhead and all the content creators. Which happen to be shifting over to FFXIV content, probably in preparation for the bubble to burst, especially with the content drought in 9.0.5.

Can’t imagine why people would care about numbers and a shifting market.

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You guys do realize that blizzard has no competition in the past 12 years and that IS WHY WoW went bad right? When you have no competition your product devolves. People on these forums are crackheads who literally never go outside

login. play game.

you’re not a shareholder, you’re a customer.


FF is boring to watch, even moreso than wow.

and no one uses the forums, they ban you for any different opinion. Most FF users use reddit.


I wish their combat didn’t feel like garbage. I really want to play necro, but every time i go play, i play for like 2 days and can’t stand it, the combat has no impact, it doesn’t feel like you’re hitting things.

You should try playing it.

Queues to create characters.

Queues to log in.

Servers are absolutely packed right now with players everywhere.

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Their servers have a fraction of the capacity of wows. I’ve played FF since 1.0, and even under queue there’s less people on them then a medium pop wow server.


Numbers, even if fake, push narratives.

Oh, I did not know, please share your sources. I didn’t think Blizzard released those numbers.

I love how people pull out that one site.

You know the one, the site that has Wildstar, a dead game, listed as 35th most popular current MMO.


Won’t come back to WoW, just can’t leave the WoW forum. gg

You just need to go to the cities and look for yourself. WoW is much more packed than Zalera, and Zalera has a queue.

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