WoW always had active forums – very active, relative to most other games.
This is, according to the logic of some here, because WoW has always been a terrible game, and therefore there have always been so many complaints that the forums were always active with complaints. It certainly is true that WoW’s players have been actively complaining about the game on the forums since 2004, so it’s hard to argue with that. However, the forums have remained active relative to other games both during periods of WoW’s growth and during periods of player loss. I know – I have been here since 2004 on and off. It’s always been a very active place, no matter what, compared to other games.
Why is this?
I think it’s because WoW has always had a very competitive playerbase. Even back long before mythic was a thing, and long before there were streamers or M+ or anything like that, WoW was competitive. At the beginning in particular the PvP element of the game was prominent in the playerbase, and this always generates a high degree of engagement, lots of complaints (most of them about balance), and a competitive atmosphere. This also drives participation overall. WoW has a very engaged playerbase compared to other MMOs, and it always has. Yes, it’s a certain percentage of the players – but that’s the case with every game. In WoW, that percentage has always been more active than average when compared with other MMOs. No other MMO forum has ever been like the WoW forums.
FF has particularly “dead” forums, by comparison, because it isn’t a competitive game in either its PvE or PvP elements, and a large part of its playerbase plays it like a single player game, which actually follows the design of the game. Single player game forums are, for the most part, rather moribund when compared to cooperative/competitive games, and certainly when compared with WoW’s forum history.
Well maybe don’t continually make FF14 threads in the forums of other MMO’s then, maybe just let people play the game if they want to try it. Or at least put it in the off-topic section.
Many of these threads are particularly hostile towards WoW, by the way, which is a bit of a crap move when you’re on the forums of people enjoying that game. Do you see WoW players flooding the FF14 forum to tell them their game is bad? no.
FFXIV is almost assuredly still beneath WoW, despite the bandwagon going on lately. It’s practically a yearly thing at this point that someone somewhere starts screaming about how FFXIV finally beat WoW – always using inaccurate or misleading metrics that have no bearing on reality. Then people argue about it for a bit before forgetting for awhile.
One thing to consider is that Square Enix -reported it- when a -combination- of 3 of their MMOs reached 1 million subs. Like, together, combined. Does that set a precedent that they’d do the same when/if FFXIV hits that Milestone on its own? Arguable, but worth thinking about.
Because they have not yet reported such a milestone.
Even players trying to estimate subs came up short of 1 million when they were scraping the lodestone or whatever they did during the lead-up to Shadowbringers. And that likely included alts (I have 3 at max level w/ story completed – it’s less common than WoW but still relevant).
Has there likely been a surge to FFXIV from disenfranchised WoW players? Sure. But it’s exaggerated because of things like Asmongold’s stream. That’s not representative of either game’s populations as a whole.
The only thing I can really agree with is that FFXIV players seem to be less jaded about their own game than WoW players. But all these jaded players are… still playing.
What is your source? The only source I know of shows WoW back at #1 with a growing playerbase over the past three months. It also shows Shadowlands as having more current players than WoD, Legion, and BFA.
So I’m curious as to where you are getting your information from.
Because watching a story isn’t really entertaining to watch. There isn’t any pvp, or much pvp to be as entertaining as wow, or the streamers that play FF14 aren’t really that entertaining to watch either.
There are players who are just fed up with Blizz’s development decisions. The reason they go over to FF14 is for a new experience, and alot of people are finding both the game and the community positive.
Like playing in WoW if I start or join a dungeon group, if it doesn’t go perfect, or semi perfect the group starts being mean to one another, I literally experienced this last night. Meanwhile I did the Ruby weapon fight in FF14 yesterday as well, I screwed up a bunch of times, and the players kept encouraging me to keep trying.
Because people are actually playing and enjoying the game. Watching streams is reserved for newer streamers who try out the game, to see reactions to the story as it progresses. Forums are “desolate” because unlike WoW, the game is enjoyable and gives players less reason to complain about a multitude of things.
Do not agree.
It feels pretty much the same outside of cities and inside of the cities.
We know that the WoW playerbase has dwindled with every expansion since Wotlk. And it has kept a steady downward flow with Legion being the only expansion to cause a slight increase - only for it to fall again.
Meanwhile FFXIV have only had a steady upwards flow, always gaining players with every expansion.
True, one is losing players (WoW) while the other is gianing (FFXIV)
The Riot MMORPG is going to be horrible, if not cancelled.
Their is more to it then that. Because that is how things start. Yes people were using it as a stick but it got the player base talking and content creators started talking. After that article and everything else the population SHOT UP. That is all it took the new areas are drowning in new players or returning players looking for something else. If blizzard doesn’t do something to impress its community the momentum FF has gained will quickly become a problem. Yes its not a game for everyone but if blizzard stays the course more and more players will look for other games which a ton are coming out