FF14 lies?

Uh, I’m on Zalera and I can promise you that it isn’t lol.

All NA are not currently letting new players in and SE has run out of digital codes to even buy the game.

Oh it is.

Maybe a medium pop wasn’t the right go at it, since most mediums are actually dead. But no queue on zul’jin and it has a crap ton more people playing on it then zalera WITH a queue. The servers just don’t hold as many.

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Oh, it isn’t. Zalera isn’t even one of the larger servers and if we go by your metrics, I can’t even load all the people in Limsa on the screen lol.

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I don’t understand why we should care about FF 14 on a WoW forum.


Sounds like a cool story if it were true. lol

This is actually a huge yikes.

That’s a lie.

You’re a piece of dung, and I hope you step on a lego.


I’m an irresponsible non-parent.

Because having a frame of reference for what a game does well (FFXIV), and what a game does wrong (WoW), is a good way to generate a discourse on how the game doing things wrong can improve.

I think it’s funny that you think you shouldn’t care when WoW subscription numbers are decreasing as FFXIV’s subscriptions/playerbase skyrockets. You should care because another game doing well is grounds for the game you like to improve. Burying your head in the sand and acting like it doesn’t matter is a surefire way for your game to progressively get worse.


i don’t even care about FF14 and don’t know why so many other WoW players talk about it more than WoW itself

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Curious. How do you determine they spend 24x7 on forums instead of taking care of their child?

I’m more curious why they think I’m the mother of a 7 year old girl.

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all final fantasy realms are full

its just that good of a game that all players play it. and dont complain because there is very little or naught to complain about. the developers listen to players.

go try final fantasy out. its really good and has a free trial for 60 levels.

I’m hardly a white knight check my posting history.

I play FF 14 myself and not the free trial I have the full game with all the expacs.

It doesn’t make sense in the slightest when you see people speaking about FF14 here. How many times are you even going to say “FF 14 has gone above WoW”?

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Nah FF its a great game! I love it! Relax and play WoW!


Remote viewing, of course.

I don’t know. He claims that you posted it.

And why would I continue to invest my time in a game undergoing a death spiral on several levels?

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