FFXIV is more popular on WoW community than it’s own community
Blizzard: You can have poisons back.
WoW rogues: OMG TY… wait, where’s gouge?
Blizzard: Shut up trolls.
FF14: I had cancer but I worked from a hospital bed for 8 months to finish the expansion.
FF14 ninjas: We love you, Soken.
FF14: We love you too.
Doesn’t address anything else stated in the post. does ff14 want a cookie for doing something so blatantly stupidly obvious way too late?
Simple, people rather actually play the game than be on the forums or watching it.
Streaming is personality based, not game based.
When Zack streamed FF14 he made it by far the most watched MMO on twitch. People follow the person, not their game.
Night and day with the dev teams thats for sure.
Better late than never. Meanwhile we still don’t have flying in the endgame zone despite Blizzard’s promise to hand it to us in 9.1. There’s still no valor system that is fully accessible without having to run timed challenge modes. Judging by the complaints I see, Torghast remains a chore. The leveling experience is practically nonexistent. The fact is that FFXIV is currently on a positive trajectory while WoW continues to double down on the philosophies that are killing the game.
I recently started playing FF14 again, and man that game is popping. Im still very low pevel, but everywhere I go there are tons of people levelling, or hanging out. Also isn’t this currently a dead time for FF? They are waiting on a new expansion I believe, whereas SL just had a content drop.
I dont know anything about SL activity because I stopped playing in january but FF is very alive.
WoW is not dead, but the perception is that it’s dying. Whether this is true or not based on numbers is anyone’s guess, but perception is reality. Perception of the brand suffering will affect new/returning players.
No one wants to invest time into a game that appears to be “dying.” This especially affects those who have invested tremendous amounts of time into the game, which is why this tends to be such an inflammatory topic on the forums. People don’t want to feel like they’ve wasted their time on a game.
But no king rules forever.
What you’re not acknowledging is that FFXIV has been increasing in popularity long before Asmongold announced he was going to try the game. Yes, the numbers the game has now are not sustainable. Many will leave, as they always do. The game however for the next year or more will likely enjoy success, especially with Endwalker coming in Fall.
Believe it or not this is probably good for the industry. FFXIV taking the top spot will hopefully force WoW’s development to be competitive.
Also this.
FF14 has developed so many social systems and systems alongside traditional end game that blizzard has just ignored or PRUNED. It’s frustrating.
Thanks to WoW, people think player housing is isolating. In ff14, player housing is entirely social (because you are trying to show off what you made).
Torghast has been ruined by soul ash and the dower theme. Palace of the dead is a forever system that friends progress together or solo using save files.
I don’t even what to go into it. CHOCOBO RACING, OKAY? GOLDEN SAUCER.
The only thing WoW has in it’s box of MMO forever system that’s unique to wow are their battle pets.
WoW Dev Team: Level XX ETC not seen in years.
FFXIV Dev Team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcNFZ5yivCQ
EDIT: And context for those who need it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NApxz5bSl20
The Twinning is a level 80 dungeon players unlocked after completing the MSQ up to the base expansion release patch. It’s known for having one of the best soundtracks for a dungeon in the game. People made memes about it. The FFXIV Dev-team band “The Primals” took the memes and put it on display with a dance number at the most recent Fan Fest.
It’s hard to actually nail down the “best soundtrack” in the game, because Dear Lord, the entire game is a “best soundtrack”. It has actually won a Guinness World Record for most music in a videogame.
Despite the fact that it is far younger than WoW, and WoW has more areas and zones, but yet less music. And while some WoW themes are okay, maybe even slightly above average, 90% of WoW’s music is ambience you don’t notice most of the time, partly because a lot of it is so quiet and plays in the background and is easily missed.
Some of the tracks if you look them up on YT are actually good, but you don’t notice it because Blizz thinks music should only be in the background 'cept for certain things they want to hype up (like the Maw).
Meanwhile XIV devs know they got awesome sound designers and they display their work front and center, boldly and proudly to the pain of many peoples’ necks from headbobbing to it.
There are far more things I hate about FF14 than I hate about WoW.
Your perfectly entitled to your opinion, I think FF14 is trash, and I will never play it again, already wasted far too much money “Giving it a chance” on the behest of friends.
I’ll quit playing MMO’s before I touch that garbage game again.
Good to see this thread got moved to where it belongs though. Off-topic. Along side all FF14 Threads.
When A12S just came out back in HW the must is seriously the only thing that kept me going.
I never knew how important good music was in a game till I played ff14. It’s honestly pretty sad music is kind of an after thought for blizzard.
I suppose it came from me being a long-term Final Fantasy player (I started with #1 all the way back during the NES days), and also other JRPGs, several of which also had awesome soundtracks, but I was always sad to see how Blizz never really seemed to care about music in WoW.
Heck, even Diablo had more noticeable music, and I always wondered how it could be that they would put out Diablo that had good music, and WoW whose music is barely noticeable a lot of times. Or even the original RTS warcraft games had a few decent tracks, though they were largely repetitive and few tracks but what they had sounded decent.
I think this is one area WoW could really, really improve upon. The few times I went “Wow this is awesome music!” it’s very short-lived. Remember Shadowfang Keep? As soon as you open that first door and go into this courtyard, this awesome “charge!” theme plays? Well… it plays for like… 30 seconds and then goes silent. If they woulda kept that theme going for… a bit longer, it woulda felt so epic.
And also… no battle or boss music? I’m fighting what is supposed to be this epic boss and there’s no music to jam to? That’s one of the reasons why bosses in XIV are so much fun, because there’s always a banger playing along with the action.
The last time I remember being motivated or moved by blizzard music was playing SC1 and SC2. Outside of that the only WoW music I can ever even remember is the Grizzly Hill Zone.
I remember Darnassus, because I would always have my characters in Darnassus to avoid the ridiculous lag, and a lot of times I’d be doing dailies, fishing, AH, etc and that quiet music that played in the background was actually rather cool, but I only noticed it because there wasn’t much of any action going on meanwhile.
Grizzly Hills is definitely a zone whose music you’d never forget anyday soon. Valley of the Four Winds, too. I spent soooo much time there, I can replay its tunes in my head, lol. Also, Outland Nagrand, and Zangarmarsh.
But most of these are from older times in the game when things were slower and you spent more time in these areas.
No not really, Older content has been less and less relevant with each patch. Shadowlands has made an attempt to make them seem important again, but it’s not working. Those area are not part of the overall game they feel disjointed. WoW as a whole is a portal to x,y, and z expansion.
Yea… Classic numbers are propping those numbers up… if you think Legion would have less subs than SL or BFA without that I have a bridge to sell you.