That would be great. Though that said, a key features of Endwalker is having a little island to yourself for laid back actual farming and your pets can run around the area. It’ll be like garrisons but not suck.
I agree though, when I played WoW I took a lot of those things for granted, then back in 2012 I was going through a nostalgia MMO binge and playing games like UO again, Classic WoW private servers, etc and I really began to appreciate those kind of smaller things.
The good thing is 14 recognizes the appeal of that and puts stuff like that into the game. There’s a full fledged chocobo racing game that feels kinda jank in movement but it plays like Mario Kart and you can race your friends. Complete with ranking up the chocobo, retiring it and breeding new super chocobos up at the Gold Saucer. Gold Saucer has arcade style games, Triple Triad which is a card game that you go around battling NPCs in a tic-tac-toe meets war kind of game and collect more cards, build a stronger deck. And even jumping puzzle minigames.
They put a lot of effort into the smaller things in the game. Hell as crafters this expansion we legit rebuilt a housing section of a city and saw it actually progress.
I don’t know why anyone thinks this. I personally did not find ARR to be any more or less tedious than Heavensward. Even Asmongold was wondering what people were talking about. As he put it, “Delivery quests? I can do those all day!” It’s not repetitive, nor is it a grind. Nothing there compares to Classic WoW’s “bring me 20 bear butts” quests.
Depends on when you played it, apparently they managed to squish it a bit so it didn’t drag on and also did some XP tweaking so you weren’t left high and dry in a few places needing to level before moving on.
XIV might not have pet battles, but it does have a theme park (most call it a casino but I think that’s unfair).
And unlike the Darkmoon Faire, it is always available 24/7 and there are lots of minigames there (way more than the DMF). Some are gambling, but a lot are not and different minigames pop up every 20 minutes (they are called GATEs) and you earn special coins there that you buy aesthetics with. Mounts, Pets, Transmog Gear, etc. And generally you can go there just to have a good time, a nice little diversion from the usual stuff you do.
Just like how Timewalking in WoW is relegated to only one week a month, but yet Level Sync and doing old dungeons is a feature you can do anytime you want. Oh, and it’s balanced and executed way better, too.
You will forgive me if I doubt that one streamer was able to cause this level of growth. A ton of those watching I bet were already playing FF or on the fence. Mind the current trend of streamer is WoW vet playing FF
True it wasn’t just him. Honestly it was a lot of things all happening at once.
WoW lost several streamers and major content creators. Then we had “the tweet” and on top of this 9.1 was just soooooo sub par.
I think you assessment is more realistic. Though it wasn’t death by a thousand cuts it was death by several large slashes in rapid succession.
What I don’t get is the amount of WoW players being super upset about this state of affairs if ever their was a time to put pressure on the devs this is it. The devs have long since not did the communication thing if this exodus doesn’t slow down they won’t have much of a choice.
Which is also why you see so many people using FF as a stick that is why it is so popular a topic on these boards it isn’t just trolls.
Blizzard has honestly been doing the bare minimum for the past 5 if not more years and it’s honestly sad to see. They have set the bar so extremely low that the players are overjoyed when blizzard produces an ok product.
I generally do not watch anyone on Twitch. I’d rather play than watch.
I feel WoW was made into a more esport/elitlist mindset and thus people watch it more. WoW has a higher competitive gameplay than FFXIV. FFXIV has this laid back, non-serious attitude towards it. You can’t even tell people their dps is low. Regardless if you agree with that, it limits the amount of negativity seen in the game and makes it less competitive.
There’s also the fact that forums are usually for feedback so, with FF’s development team taking public polls it’s not really necessary to have a forum for that reason?
I hope the irony of your comment isn’t lost on you, but I feel that’s giving you too much credit. Give a response worth responding to rather than what-about-isms and strawmans and you might actually get a conversation.