FF14 lies?

Nah, I havent played my priest since cata, leveled her right before 9.1. Its not hard, people make it out to be some impossible task.

Do it. Manipulation is REQUIRED if you want to do any high level craft. I tried to ignore getting it and now that I have it on every job I realize just how important it is. It is VERY worth it.

I don’t really do Star crafting though.

I just don’t have that kind of time and focus.

Once you get the appropriate gear you can 2 macro it. I dislike it personally but I also won’t ignore an advantage. xD I guess yeah if you’re not doing master recipes you can forget about Manipulation. Though it is huge.

Oh, I’ll eventually grab it sure, just… someday. When I’ve the gumption to go through all of those old quests, esp. Heavensward.

I’m glad they changed it in Stormblood where the NPCs sell you the stuff needed for the quests, and in ShB where you do that thing with all DoH with one questline.

Heavensward? Eugh. Too many materials required for everything.

Almost the entirety of the “Why I left for 14” hype train is based on false information or information intentionally being left out. There’s a video from a former “mythic raider” who says the highest endgame loot in 14 comes entirely from a guaranteed currency, completely leaving out that 14 actually has tokens for almost all gear pieces with some pieces needing multiple tokens.

You dont know this.

No one can make a claim about it one way or the other. The only thing we know for sure is that WoW has been in a steady decline since WoD. Legion had an uptick but that was shortlived.

Different culture. People have been complaining and crying on these forums for 15 years, most FFXIV players are in discord or in game not complaining. It also has a heavy Eastern populace that doesnt stream via twitch.

Which to be fair is the case with most of the negative posts here about it. If you’re going to throw stones, don’t stand in a glasshouse.

Personally, I don’t understand the obsession people here have with it. The tribalism is just flat out pathetic. Some people play 14, some wow, some play hello kitty, but wtf cares? We’re all gamers.

I loved WoW, and it holds great memories. I wouldn’t want to see it die, as much as I dislike its current state. But things change, players change, and like literally my whole friends list, I moved on. But I do hope it gets better for those that remain, I really do.

If the best you can do is strawman, I wouldn’t bother.

Played al the way up until 3 levels into stormblood on FF14. Then simply could not take it anymore.

I’ve never been more bored in my entire time playing the game, I had zero immersion into the game, I was just lead on bread crumbs around watching my character experience everything from having plot armor, and the ability to slay living gods, to being a complete retard and unable to deal with a few common NPC guard types.

Seen them go from aiding in unraveling a bunch of evil plans to dimwittedly bumbling into dozens of traps and the bad guys getting away and completing their evil deed for us to have to clean up over and over again.

The MC is simultaneously a miraculous mary sue and the most useless idiot in existence at the whims of terrible story telling.

People give WoW’s writing a rash and alot of bad mouth, but the story in FF14 is just plain bad, and completely uninteresting, and seems to go off on weird random tangents at time before turning to whatever the main storyline plot hook was.

That’s not even bringing up all the “Systems” in the game… the class swapping feature is stupid, congratulations on person is simultaneously the best Samurai and the best Black Mage, all by just equipping a weapon and a soul item! Wow… hope you like grinding fates or palace of the dead or dungeons, cause none of your quests are repeatable so any quests you’ve done already for another class is all the quests your going to get 8D

Oh, and if you make a new character, you have to do the whole MSQ all over again… ALLL over again. So you can’t even ignore the stupid class change mechanic.

Also crafting and gathering are pointlessly dragged out contrived and filled with pointless mini-games that are not remotely difficult, you just have to have the right stats on your entirely different gear set you have to build for every profession (Which you can master them all by the way. way to go Mary Sue/Stu) and just spend 30-60 seconds per item mashing away at a stupid minigame to make a single item.

What you want to go out in the world and gather materials? Nope… you gotta do it as a completely different class that has it’s own whole leveling system! Good luck leveling through your class again doing pointless 'Class quests" and having to relevel through everything over and over again doing the same exhausting stupid mini-game over and over again.

I seriously do not understand the hype behind this game. Even playing my most favorite FF class (The white mage) and getting all the neat white mage outfits did nothing for me in the end. It’s Dull, sloggy, sluggish, boring.

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Streamer numbers and forum activity have never been a good indictor of WoW’s quality or health.

The same is true for any other MMO, FF14 included.

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Thanks for the intelligent reply. I guess it’s what people do when they actually have nothing.

Yes this is true however the sales numbers during a content drought in an MMO speaks volumes to me. I have never seen a boost in sales like this for any MMO during a content drought. New expansion sure but a content drought… Never

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Love both games, but my Arcanists Chocobo hunts by my side… I’m sold, I think that was the tipping point. All I have to do is feed my mount some leafy greens, and he becomes my buddy in combat. WoW is still cool, I love the game and look forward to more content coming out - but FF14 kind of pushes fun our way. Blizzard has always been kind of wonky when it comes to fun stuff, like even having an item that morphs you often has an outrageously long cooldown.

I thrive on the fun stuff…


Did you see how many people watch Asmongold?
There was bound to be an increase in FF player base when he started playing it. Steam player count rose the day he first streamed it.
I just wish he started playing ESO. Seems like a better alternative.

If forums are empty then most spend time playing the game rather then being in an archaic format ranting about numbers between games?

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Biggest wow streamer is asmongold he went from 45k viewers to 125k for ffxiv. The forums people don’t use them much. Players are happy in ffxiv because the devs aim to please.

I have been taking a break from wow and I’m starting to miss it. The game isn’t the same though and isn’t meant for the old style players which is fine I understand the concept of change with the times.


Wait until you get an apartment or into an FC with a house that has a chocobo stable. You can feed it certain foods while stabled and actually dye it to another color. My chocobo is a dark red.



Pics for proof. xD There’s also a lot of cool bardings you can get to give it special armor for aesthetics. Twilight has been my baby since I started and got her and it’s crazy how much you actually can grow to bond with a chocobo in a virtual game.


Your chocobo looks amazing :smiley: This is what I am talking about - these small things make a huge difference, at least for me they do. It is not always about the best gear, dungeons, or the PVP, I want a game that I can spend a few hours just goofing around in when I am done with the combat. Now if only FF14 had pet battles.