FF14 lies?

I know I am only one sub but I am really tired of the convoluted systems and hoops Blizz is making me jump through so I switched to FF14 after hearing about all the buzz. I’m having a blast! It’s an actual MMO, with content! Not just a mind numbing repetition of daily tasks that feels like a job. Still subbed for now to raid with my guild but every expansion seems to have less and less of the MMO feel and more like a mobile phone game. SL feels very much like GoT season 8. If they don’t make a change in vision soon, WoW won’t be around too much longer.


I hope you enjoy your time in XIV!

I’ve been playing an alt myself, and I almost have her in Heavensward, I just play a little here-and-there while waiting for Endwalker, giving myself a (voluntary!) break. I will eventually get my main back in-game and get her geared up sometime between now and November, but I know that doing so won’t require all of my spare time, and I’ve time yet to just mess around with other stuff.

When I do decide to gear my main up and get ready… I’ll come back fresh.

An MMORPG that has actual RPG in it. Who knew?


ARR was changed recently. Heck even Asmongold thinks it ain’t that bad, and he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t care much about stories in games and even he said he was having fun with it.

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It was, they cut back a lot of quests but it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a polar opposite game. It’s like looking at TBC and Shadowlands. You know they’re the same game but they couldn’t be further apart in quality. Difference on that is XIV is like wine, it got better with age. WoW aged like milk.

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Small point of order, not trying to disprove your point

  1. If your main is a crafter, they can now make 200 ilvl gear
  1. The renown requirement being what it is, you need to grind it out a bit if you want 194 WQ gear. Definitely not ideal but the renown catchup nowadays goes by pretty fast, IMO.

(tbf this doesn’t help me in any way, all my alts below 60 are clothies, including my tailor. Maybe should stock up on korthian armaments)

Amusingly, I keep hearing that sentiment but I’m enjoying the base content a lot. Some of the voice acting is lulls, but I’m actually enjoying the profession questlines. It is still nice to be told that it only gets better, though.

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My main is a gatherer, and my alts are crafters. Why? Because your main is more likely to be out in the world, IE, more likely to be the ones that find crap that you can ship to your crafters to process.

No CM3, no i200 craftables. Which means you have to haul your alts to Korthia in 151s.

Even with the renown, you don’t get 194 unless you are 189+. If you’re wearing 151 junk, you’ll get 140-155. Hardly helpful.

You could do the covenant questlines, but meh. That gets old after awhile too. I just wanna make gear. But no, gotta do that grinding, first.

They change voice actors in Heavensward (the first expansion) IIRC. The new voice acting is top-notch.

I’d try to find a video from Shadowbringers, but it is almost certainly going to be spoilery.


I forgot that’s how it scales, you’re right. Well, afaik, heroics now drop 197s, so I have to assume normals must drop 17?something? can you even queue up to a normal on your alts now…hmm.

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I don’t know if normals were buffed or not.

Out of my 6-8 crafter alts I want to get to Korthia, only one of them is able to enter heroics just yet, and one is Almost there.

I’ve yet to have time to actually do that. And even if I did… Personal No Loot to make sure progress is as slow as possible.

A lot of the voice acting early is terrible. IIRC they had a different set of VAs for it. You notice it with Cid especially because in Praetorium he has a really weird voice that’s very British.

The voice acting when it came to Shadowbringers in my opinion was phenomenal, it was also really good in Stormblood. Heavensward it started coming together. That said, there is a way to change it to Japanese if you want, the voice acting seems a lot better imo but I don’t do that personally since that feels way too weeby.

There’s also trailers if you haven’t seen any. Here’s the one for the expansion coming in 4 months. Look at this trailer, then look at the trailer for Shadowlands as a comparison. Which one would you say gets you more hyped for an expansion? There’s no wrong answer honestly, it’s all preference. I would say I lean toward this. There are very minor spoilers in this as a warning. Though as I said, they’re minor. Minor as in like “Oh, you might know what job Alisaie is when Heavensward ends!” As if that’s a huge reveal or something. It was back then but it was because the job wasn’t in the game yet and was coming next expansion.

My God, I hate how these forums stop youtube videos every 30 seconds. Nnnngh.

Could they, like, not do that?

They forget just because their cutscenes are 30 seconds, not everything is. xD

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LOL, that’s some Firaga right there lol.

Merlwyb being Meridia from Skyrim was very jarring haha. Glad to hear it changes.

Some characters changed, mainly the Scions.

I don’t know if they changed Merlwyb or not, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen a cutscene with her. Shadowbringers focuses mainly on Norvrandt, and you don’t see much of the Cities there.

Wasn’t sure on that and looked it up. Yeah in ARR she was Jean Gilpin. After HW she’s Tracy Ann Oberman. Looking around on google, Jean was the VA for Meridia so yeah I guess that does change. Merlwyb I never really liked much as a character until 5.4 honestly, the MSQ focusing on her heavily in that portion really gave me insight to her and she’s one of my more liked characters as a result.

However she can’t ever be my favorite GC leader. XD Nanamo is just too precious to not be my favorite MSQ character. Especially in the Goldsmith questline, her face. xD


Someday I should finish my craft questlines, lol.

I know you get a useful ability out of them, sure, I just never really found the time to do it.

Not in retail lol. But i see my fair share of that behavior in TBC lol. Retail is definitely a different kettle of fish. I love the community in TBC and how close knit everyone is.

When a game does better than wow “streams mean nothing”
When wow does better than games
“It’s more popular on twitch so it must be better”