FF14 lies?

I cant play DH. No matter how badly I want to. That class is so braindead and boring it makes me log off the game.


But you can double jump, dood!

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Yes but at that point they haven’t had as strong as a contender as FF14. FF14 is not a meme that dies with no one noticing. Combine that with two back to back mediocre expansions and a dev team that seems to look down on its player base and you get what we have right now. Lets talk about the most recent thing that I think most can agree on. 8 months before a content patch is not acceptable.

Agreed. Which is sad too because FF14 does have very valid criticisms one can make toward the game, but it’s always the low hanging fruit they grab for and a lot of it is like an apple then a venomous snake along with it that bites them when they try to use it as a weapon.

That said though, for all of 14s faults I am aware of, they’re all so incredibly minor to me that it doesn’t affect me playing the game. WoW’s faults actively make me not want to play the game because I don’t like being told by the game how to play my endgame, then taking a massive loss of power because I didn’t obey the gods.

14 I can quit for a tier, come back, buy crafted gear off the marketboard and be up to snuff and engaging in the new content in 10 minutes. WoW makes me spend 3 hours learning about a zone I do not give a damn about, for people I don’t give a s–t about, doing chores I don’t give a f–k about just so I can play the content.


You can’t even craft decent gear without grinding the latest content, which is just painful if you happened to make a gatherer your main (whoda thunk you’d want your main to be a gatherer since it’s your main that’ll be out in the world?) and your crafters are lesser-geared alts.

Yeah, the glamour system really needs to just full on copy WoW’s transmog system. That would be perfect. Well, maybe other than the costs of glamouring gear. I hate having to dump 150 gold every time I get a dumb-looking weapon I want to change the look of.

EDIT: Yet another one of WoW’s faults: MOST weapons in XIV actually look cool. I very rarely see a weapon in XIV and go “EEEW” but in WoW?


That is just one of those major differences between the games.
SE knows that players will come and go in cycles between patches. So they just make the best content they can and call it a day there. They have systems in the game that allows people to just play whenever they want and are fine with people leaving and coming back.

Blizzard on the other hand refuses to accept this and will pad their game with an endless stream of content that very few people enjoy just to squeeze as much play time out of their players as possible.

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Yoshi-P knows that players are the happiest when they take periodic breaks from a game.

Playing a game too long leads to burn-out, and players quitting out of boredom, and/or a lack of enthusiasm over new content.

Players in XIV get really hyped and pumped for new content and they stay that way.

In WoW, a new expansion is hyped and pumped for… maybe a week. Then it drops off fast. In XIV? It takes a couple months, at least, until the queues start going back to normal.

Part of the reason is, a lot of players take breaks between major patches, and when they come back, they are refreshed and ready to dive in. They aren’t like walking zombies already tired of everything.

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I pug everything with a raider.io that starts at 0 every season.

Yeah, but you are probably recognized by name if you’ve done Mythics enough.

If you’re some nobody that nobody has ever heard of and your armory shows that you’ve done no mythics in the past, nobody wants you.

I mean its a great philosophy to follow and it has been doing wonders for them.
It also gives the dev team more time to release a more polished project. They know they wont need to designee 45 systems or add in a massive amount of fluff to pad game time.


They respect their players’ time. They give you awesome and amazing content that’ll keep you going for a few months, knowing it will take significantly longer than a few months for the next huge patch.

They know in the meantime, you will either catch up on old content, or take a break and play something else for awhile. Or maybe you’re someone who works two jobs RL and it takes all of that time to consume the content. They care about not leaving people like that in the dust in this mad rush to keep everybody playing as much as possible.


Positive feedback loops are the engagement metrics. We are hamsters running inside these loops.

Nothing wrong with being a hamster if you’re well-fed and happy.

Better than being a slave that is only thrown little scraps here and there, and is (mentally/emotionally) beaten into servitude.

XIV lures you in and keeps you playing by making you happy and giving you great content. WoW keeps you playing with the sheer power of FOMO.


Yeah, and WoW is still like trying to dance the tightrope between “Should crafting matter? Should it not matter?” Crafting and Gathering is a pretty essential part of any MMO. . . except WoW. Literally this is the only game that crafting and gathering serves you almost no relevance, barring Shadowlands. But crafting in MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA? Massive lmfao. Each profession got like one item that was good.

Plus, nothing makes me giddier in 14 when I craft my own gear now that I’m fully pentamelded Aesthete’s gear. Still need to work on my crafter relics, actually you’ve given me something to do today. It might not be the most epic thing ever, but damn it I must have them. That’s another plus for 14 also, a lot of grinds I actually kind of want to do. Relic grinds suck, but getting an awesome (usually) looking weapon that ends up Best in Slot at the end of the expansion feels SO rewarding. And it isn’t even that difficult, long sure, but it’s spaced out in a healthy way where every content patch you get a few more steps to do that you can bang out in a couple days if you go hardcore at it.

Absolutely. I’m sitting at 400 items in my glamour dresser and I want desperately to be rid of the cap. So many sets look good and I’m actively changing my glamour. And the gear they add is all over the place in appearance which is a good thing. Like look at the Casual Attire set. WoW is like “Yes, more of this aesthetic we settled on for the expansion!” You don’t get outfits that just look nice or come off as realistic.


Just look at that set!

Not only that, they encourage it. Devs themselves have said they want players to do other things when they consume the content and not force themselves to play the game. Yoshi-P makes a fun hobby, Blizzard makes a job that calls itself a hobby.

“This new system we made is going to be super epic, we think it has a lot of replayability and that the players will love it.”



I will have to respectfully disagree there, I rather enjoyed making catchups for my alts, it’s one of the reasons why I have such positive memories of MoP: I could take my alts out, and they could actually function in the newest content without weeks of grind. Sure, the Craftable Blue PvP sets were under-budgeted because of the PvP Stats taking up some of the budget, but yet their I-levels were high enough you could take alts geared in such to the newest content and they could perform passably well.

Try taking someone wearing 151 to Korthia. Go ahead. Spoiler: You can’t. You will need to blow cooldowns against the weakest of enemies, and sac pulling is the only way you can do half of the quests in there.

As soon as it gets through someone’s thick skull that players performing tasks the game insists upon is not the same as pursuing fun content, you’ll see many good changes for WoW.

I’m pretty sure the next earnings report is going to be a Come To Jesus Meeting, though. If the players won’t be listened to, the investors will.

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Another thing I forgot to add, but not adding it to a lengthy post. Nostalgia trips.

Blizzard nostalgia trips are like “Hey look, it’s that boss you remember. Bet you’re all hyped up huh?” Then trashes any memory of that nostalgia by making a fight that never lives up to expectation, EXCEPT Lich King and Illidan. Those fights lived up to expectation and surpassed them. Yet that was OLD Blizzard. Looking at KT now though? Lol, does not feel like it did KT any justice as a lore character.


Like how the hell do you top THIS kind of nostalgia trip for anybody who loved ff6? Literally for the highest difficulty a special phase of Kefka as God of Magic, complete with the whole fight theme just present in the fight normally. On top of being just a very tough fight to do relevant.


We can only hope that this is how it turns out.

I don’t hate WoW, I don’t want WoW to fail and be cancelled/sink/whatever, I want WoW to get better.

But WoW won’t get better until the higherups recognize there’s a huge problem, and they won’t recognize there’s a huge problem until they are hit in the wallet, and/or they are seeing a lot of their customers exiling in droves.

Yeah, I would have to second, just WATCH that fight, and how those people in there are thrown around like ragdolls.

Kefka ain’t playing around, yo.

In fact, his fight in FF6 was rather easy. In XIV? Dear God. What a nightmare.


Yeah, the gloom and doom might seem contrary, but I want WoW to be a game I enjoy again. I don’t want to be stuck chasing Classic versions.

I just started FFXIV this past weekend.

For more context: part of what enticed me is the growing trend of Streamers doing so. I don’t watch streamers, have no desire to interact with most of them, but seeing a lot of WoW’s staunchest standard-bearers looking elsewhere is a both a powerful advertising tool and an ominous canary in the coal mine.

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