last I checked that does not sync you to the appropriate level for whatever content you’re running
Except with 8-12 dungeons instead of 100+
FATE Farming in XIV = World Quests in WoW, only you have to wait for one that actually gives any decent rewards to pop up maybe once or twice a week.
LFG/LFR rewards are barely worth doing after the first couple weeks of a patch/new expansion, while XIV’s raids are good throughout their content cycle.
LFG tool is manual matchmaking; PotD is automated. I’ve not seen Torghast in the Dungeon Finder tool? Or do you need to do a quest to unlock that?
Sorry it’s so jarring for you to realize wow can be challenged in the MMO market.
That’s ridiculous and you know it. But hey, feel free to come back when you have a real argument.
Got it. So you were hardcore, left, came back, and continued to raid as you did before, but now you’re calling it casual whereas you called it hardcore back then. As a hardcore raider, you didn’t even make it all the way through Naxx or Sunwell. As a hardcore raider, you used the optional buff to take down the Lich King. Now, you’re clearing Heroic Nathria less than three months into an expansion, but you’re casual. The goal posts have seriously moved. Note that I’m not judging your playstyle or belittling your past accomplishments. I just think it’s ridiculous that you call yourself casual as someone who hit AotC in just two months.
Wasn’t your sub suppose to have run out hours ago?
I don’t disagree with that. Neither does the cover of a book necessarily mean anything about the quality of said book, but I’m still less inclined to find out of I’m interested in the book if it has a boring or ugly cover
Because people are actually playing the game instead of wasting their time on the forum.
No I raid casually now. Twice a week for 3 hours with a 15 minute break. As opposed to 3 times a week for 4 hours (until progression was done anyways) I get roughly half way into mythic.
As for Naxx, do you know the percentage of players who got as far as we did? It’s even fewer who killed Muru. And literally noone in the world killed Lich King without the 5% buff (turned it off or before it happened) so you really should know what you’re talking about before you judge someones accomplishments.
You see. You see. You see. Your experience does not prove or disprove anything.
After running satasha for the 100th time you get over it. Additionally, the duty roulette isnt good because you have to do it to optimize your currency rewards.
Unless they changed it to where you get something other then exp then i wouldnt equate them to WQs. Also WQs are all able to be completed solo, fates suck to be completed solo.
LFG you get into raids that drop better than LFR.
LFG is the non automatic one. So yeah its not automated.
I don’t get this anology as it pertains to WoW. Some article that came out several week ago claims that FFXIV has more concurrent players. A figure that was pulled from an unreliable site. Am I missing something here?
YOU said that there’s hardly anybody around, and I said ‘there’s lots of people around!’ and that doesn’t “proof” (prove?) or disprove anything.
Okaaaaaay, whatever there.
So you get Sastasha occasionally. I’d rather have that, than get De Other Side (or any of the other dungeons) for the 100th time in a month (theoretically), I don’t do Heroics or Normals because they don’t give any rewards, or at least didn’t until 9.1 dropped.
And besides, I can spend 1 week doing Duty Finder in a week and I can tell you that at least 5-8 times a week (doing multiple roulettes a day) I can say “Oh Hey I haven’t seen this dungeon in months/a year/whatever!”
You get tokens from the ones in Shadowbringers that you can use to buy pets and mounts and stuff. And FATEs only suck to be completed solo if you suck (except for the 30 minute ones that are big boss fights).
LFG is a manual matchmaking system. The raids in XIV are automated matchmaking with actual rewards that are better than LFR, by far.
Which is the whole point. Auto Matchmaking Systems in WoW have no decent rewards whatsoever, thus no reason to do them. And trying to do manual matchmaking? Pfft. Going to the dentist is more fun than that.
the point: the first thing you see of something does not necessarily indicate its overall quality, but it will still affect your opinion of it when diving in further, even if subconsciously
I agree with that. Thanks for the clarification.
Maybe you’re mistaking me with someone else? I never stated that.
Would have to say that if I were a new player coming to WoW, and I saw how 90% of the game world is full of broken, barely functional content that is meant to just be skipped past ASAP to get to the endgame, it would be very offputting to me.
You can just tell by playing that the developers don’t care about old content, and seeing how empty said areas are, you can tell the players don’t care about old content either.
I dunno who I was replying to, I assumed it was you because you took my reply personally and spoke in a way that you were the one who I responded to?
Either way, someone said something that I was responding to there. Maybe it wasn’t you? /shrug
See that’s the biggest difference between the two games at least imo. FFXIV seems more about the journey and less about the destination. While WoW is the exact opposite.
I was a whitemage/scholar/astro. They all sucked for me.
You can just buy better gear than what drops in the raid automated group finder why would you do them at all?
I have no problem with that tool. I did like 12 mythic +s yesterday.
No. I was just pointing out that your personal experiences and observations don’t prove or disprove anything. At least as it pertains to the games.