FF14 lies?

So you were casually raiding Naxx twice a week back in Vanilla?

People actually play the game instead of complaining on the forums, and since the content is so story driven, streamers don’t really appeal to the audience at large.

Source? Other than your azz of course…

Right :joy::joy::joy::joy:

FF14 shills are desperate . It’s a sh1tty game , has been a sh1tty game and will always be a sh1tty game.

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No, back in Vanilla thru Cata i was a hard core raider. Got thru Saph in Naxx, Muru in Sunwell, killed the Lich King with only the 5% buff, and killed heroic Death Wing in week 3.

I stopped playing after Cata, came back halfway thru WOD, and i’ve raided casually since then.

That’s not a reasonable assumption. If that’s true Fortnite and CoD are assumed to be the best game.

Also, when we’re talking about FFXIV have more concurrent players couldn’t one assume that maybe most of those new players are on free trial accounts?

Are you being intentionally obtuse? Seems like you’re being intentionally obtuse.

Yeah, because the opinion of a guy who has more posts than achivement points is ever relevant… /eyeroll

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The same charts people are using lol. The trick they play is seperating TBC logins and Retail logins. Both are the same sub so it’s disingenuous at best and deceptive at worst.

No you’re just being ridiculous. “These aren’t exactly the same in every way so an obvious example of how a game having lots of different ways to play doesn’t make it multiple different games doesn’t count!!!”

why not? assuming this hypothetical consumer knows nothing about either game going in, whichever one has more people playing it would naturally be the very first thing they look at

If you truly believe WoW has more players than FFXIV right now, I have a bridge to sell ya, it’s on the moon, but just trust me, it’s in very good condition.

I’ll even give you a good price, I swear.

WoW forums were active when WoW had 12 m subs in wrath .

FF14 is a nothing game compared to WoW

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I don’t believe anything i know. 4.2 million unique logins versus 2.4 It’s not even close.

A single player game is in no way comparable to an MMO. But hey keep playing the obtuse game though.

If you actually played 14, you’d see that there are throngs and throngs of people in the Cities, you’d see that there are large queues to log in, and heck, it’s been in the news that they had to (temporarily) stop selling the game because new players have been overwhelming the servers that they need to make new servers to accommodate the growth.

The forums are bad, and everybody knows it, that’s why Reddit and Discord see Most of the activity that goes on in the XIV community. There’s less of a need of a general public community, because in-game communities in their FCs (guilds) tend to be robust, and they have so many tools to make communities: FCs, Linkshells, and one other system I don’t remember the name of.

The Official Forums are rarely used, true, but that doesn’t mean that activity doesn’t go on elsewhere.

And, to top it all off, the majority sentiment of the players, is that they are happy in 14. Come to here, and you see so much complaining about various stuff in WoW, people just don’t seem very happy over here.

I dunno about 14 being a “WoW Killer”, it’s more that XIV is way closer to WoW than delusional WoW people care to admit. WoW has actual real competition now, and people who are living in the WoW bubble are refusing to accept that XIV is a valid game, that has some real traction, that is doing very well while WoW flounders with the devs angering players left and right which is not sustainable.

You’ll have a WoW player go from “Meh, why does everything in this game suck?” to “Pfft, FFXIV? WoW is the most awesomeest thing ever!” to “Nnngh, Blizz sucks anymore… why can’t we have (insert expansion here) back?”

I can’t think of any XIV players I’ve ever met doing anything of the sort.

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FF14 has more numbers ??

Did you pick the nos from thin air ?? :joy::joy::joy:

  1. Duty Roulette - Basically LFD
  2. FATE farming - There is no need to farm fates in wow, fate farming is for leveling. Fate leveling is just grinding mobs.
  3. Old Extreme Raids Unsynced - There is a legacy raid option in wow
  4. Old Extreme Raids Synced - There is a legacy raid option in wow
  5. Current Endgame Raids - LFG/LFR
  6. Blue Mage Spell Farming - There are dozens of groups doing anything that is farmable.
  7. PoD groups - Torghast has its own section in the LFG tool.

That doesn’t necessarily mean anything about the quality of a game. By that logic, the best games are mobile games, Fortnite, and CoD. However, quality is something that can objectively measured.

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Not to mention their website literally says it determines subscriber count by using “online sentiment” lol.

That site has Wildstar having 15K monthly users for a long time!

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