FF14 lies?

No WOW is one game. That’s why you pay one sub for it. Your entire premise is flawed from the start.

no it isn’t. I look at the launcher and Retail and Classic are two different clients

in fact, one could argue it’s three games because Vanilla and TBC are further divided into their own clients as well


So what? It’s still one game.

alright you are just trolling, you have a good time with that

Truth hurts I guess.

Sadly, here’s how the conversation breaks down:

WoW Player 1: WoW sucks these days because all the rewards come out of Mythic Raiding and M+ dungeoneering.

WoW Player 2: Good. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how it’s always going to be. Name one MMO that doesn’t work that way.

WoW Player 1: WotLK didn’t work that way. FFXIV doesn’t work that way.

WoW Player 2: Why do you FFXIV players come on our forums to trash our game?!?!

This idea that FFXIV players are coming here to trash WoW is ridiculous.


Wrath did work that way and so does FF14. It’s just people who play at a casual level have no idea what they’re missing. Ultimate raids and artifact crafting they will never approach no matter how long they play.

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i’m coming here to trash WoW, as a WoW player. i just happen to play 14 also


idk if attacking streaming statistics means a whole lot. ff14 has had an influx of streamers show off their game

asmongold, quin, cohh, esfand have all had their viewership increase due to ff14 streaming

Agreed. In other words, most players, because most players play casually. Of course, on these forums, you’re risking starting an argument about what casual means because the perception has gotten so skewed here that many players nonchalantly proclaim themselves as casual Mythic raiders, brag about casually pushing M+ keys, and wholeheartedly believe that it’s normal to expect casuals to sim their gear.

I don’t think that’s very genuine. Wow is fragmented 6 times. Classic horde/alliance, BC horde/alliance, and retail horde/alliance. It’s VERY fragmented.

I’d argue the opposite, casual used to mean you raided twice a week, and got as far as you could. You’d normally be full heroic and a few to half mythic.

Nowadays people try to claim they’re “casual” when in reality they’re bad or lazy. I do a world quest from time to time i’m just a casual. No… you do literally nothing.

Many games are fragmented. Octopath traveler has 8 different heroes and you can recruit only 3 of the others as you go thru. The game has literally dozens of combinations, all of which have different quests and areas available. That doesn’t make it dozens of games.

Octopath is a single player game. Irrelevant comparison.

How does the type of game change anything about your argument?

Because genres exist.

Maybe you haven’t played as long as I have, but I remember when casual explicitly meant that you didn’t raid. At all. Raider used to be synonymous with hardcore.

Yes they do, and yes Octopath Traveler is single player and WOW is an MMORPG.

Now that those facts are agreed on and dismissed, the original point stands.

Typical WoW fanboy back when WoW was more popular than FFXIV: “Lol, just look at the numbers, WoW wins hands down”
Several years later, when FFXIV becomes more popular than Wow, these same fanboys: “Lol, who cares about the numbers???”…

You know why FF players come to the WoW forums and taunt you guys like this? I’ll tell you…

They enjoy shoving your faces into your own arrogance and hypocrisy.

Check the tabard, I’ve played since Vanilla.

We care about the numbers, they’re still WAY in WOWs favor. Literally it’s almost 2 to 1 and that’s AFTER the terrible performance of BFA and Shadowlands so far.