yet you’re still speaking for all of them
you say some of them will just play retail and some of them will stop playing entirely. that is speaking for all of them
yet you’re still speaking for all of them
you say some of them will just play retail and some of them will stop playing entirely. that is speaking for all of them
Could it be that forum participation is so low in FFXIV because so many people that are playing the game are using a free trial account? That’s the case with myself. I know you can’t post on the forum with a free trial account.
Which is why it’s ridiculous to judge a game by its popularity on Twitch. The people watching Twitch are following media personalities, not the game itself. The whole premise that WoW > FFXIV because it has more viewers is flawed for the very reason that you just pointed out. The sheer number of WoW viewers has everything to do with the popularity of a handful of WoW streamers and less to do with the quality of the game.
Hmmm, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to convey, maybe my post was confusing. What I mean is, no one should be streaming the story driven content, because your right how is that entertaining, and who even does that? I dont think anyone! But my post went on to say that they have many similar qualities as wow, being Raids and PVP, which is what is streamed most of the time. So for people to say its because of the story driven content is a cop out and are just blindly defending against my argument without actually knowing whats going on.
Yes… becuase those are the two options.
That’s like saying some of them will breathe and some will die. If you don’t breathe, you die. There is no third option.
the free trial is a third option
private servers are a fourth option
playing WoW and FF14 is a fifth option
Yes, totally. Or little kids on consoles. Both feasible I’d say.
The free trial is extremely limited content. Are you trolling?
Private servers are mostly broken nonsense but guess what, if they go to private servers, they’re NOT playing wow anymore.
Playing WOW and FF14 is SHOCKING still playing WOW.
I’m pretty sure you can play all the way up to level 60 in free trials man. They expanded it quite heavily.
because it is. even the raids are largely story-driven, not to mention FF14 is in a lull between expansions currently anyway so anyone who is interested in seeing the raid content…has already seen it
as for pvp, pvp is a joke in FF14
Asmongold did pretty well on his opening FFXIV weekend with > 100K viewers tuning in. No game is really viewer friendly. The streamers themselves are viewer friendly. Players aren’t tuning in for quality gameplay. They’re tuning in for the streamer’s humor and personality.
Given 90% of WOWs content is end game how does that matter exactly? I’ll note you ignore the other two. Also, even if they’re on a free trial, that’s really pedantry because i didn’t say the choices were pay blizzard or stop playing, i said play retail, or don’t. That would still be playing retail.
PS: And yes they’d still count on these charts as it’s tracking unique logins to the API, not subs.
I’ve never played PVP in FF14… but its taken seriously it seems lately! I seriously want to check it out after seeing all of the efforts made by SE. They’re about to release a brand new ranking system for it and I see people talking about it all the time in my FC. I don’t think dialogue in raids is what people are complaining about when it comes to the ‘story driven content’ being boring, I feel they mean leveling up, and actually play the game pre-end game. Raids are fun to watch, and should have decent viewership! …unless the popularity just isn’t there.
I respect your opinions though for sure! <3
make up your mind, either the money that blizzard makes is the important factor or it isn’t
Many streams feature expert players, but personality is certainly a draw. Good point.
It’s called arguing to your audience. Since you live in a fantasy world where share holders care what you think, rather than what money they make, i’m destroying your argument on your turf.
Aren’t I a swell guy?
From what I’ve read the free trial account for FFXIV is pretty robust. I’ve heard it’s about 200 hours of content.
You bring up a good point. When I bring up the party finder in WoW I see three types of ads:
If I look at the FFXIV party finder, I see:
And I’m sure there are many more types of groups that I’m missing. Simply put, there is a wide variety of social activities that are available in FFXIV. In WoW, there’s M+ and raiding. Lots of players claim that WoW does raiding better. Well, when you’re providing over half a dozen things to do at the end game, no one notices that raids aren’t quite as good as they could be.
probably because of the changes being planned for Endwalker. hopefully come the next expansion it actually will be something worth giving attention to, and that’ll probably spike streaming popularity
and you think I’m the one living in a fantasy world? lol, ok buddy
Have you ever clicked Custom Games in WoW? There are so many more things then that.