Yes it is. The fact you think you can speak for 2 million people is hilarious though.
I’ve never spent more than a minute in queue on my healer. If I make the mistake of even GLANCING at LFG I get 30 invites flooding my screen. What backwoods server are you on?
So then you are only trolling? Interesting. Maybe someday you will join in on the discussion if you know the topic. I don’t know why you find facts or the information funny but doesn’t matter. Sit back, relax and let people that understand the topic talk then. Might have to warm up that ignore button, lot of trolls around that aren’t into discussions and only interested in wasting peoples time.
Leveling my healer alt.
I don’t even think it was that bad back in WoD. But more importantly, servers are shared.
What is there to add to your posts? It’s nothing but tom foolery. Come on, man, you don’t believe half of what you’re stating.
There are server groups. It’s not all one pool.
Leveling dungeons are different most players are return players. I have every single class at 50 or higher.
It not possible for people to state their opinions in a reasonable manner in GD. And I like it that way. So much entertainment.
Forums are never usually more than 1-2% of a game’s general game populace, meaning FF is apparently so engaging that even half of the 1-2% or .5-1% of the populace is engaged in the game, I’d also like to point out that most games’ forum regulars also tend to be some of their most negative players so…
That’s not necessarily what that means.
FF is not exactly viewer friendly. It’s just a seemingly endless series of quests that are mostly traveling back and forth talking to NPCs.
WoW feels more like the story is an obstacle to overcome to get to the competition.
i did
wow vs ff14
wow vs ffxiv
nobody types the whole thing into google lol
Because FF 14 players are playing the game instead?
Neither party is forthcoming with any useful information sadly.
WoW does more of its gameplay “in the world” FF 14 is more honest about the same mechanic WoW uses - everyone queues up for stuff and just hangs out in cities before being beamed up. Also WoW world quests serve a purpose at endgame - FATEs generally are used by Zodiac weapons or folks leveling alts.
I do not want WoW dead - I want WoW afraid. We pay boatloads of money to wow for subs - it really feels like our subs are financing expansions and not the actual current game. I mean do you feel 9.1 was worth 200+$ of content? I ask because I come from a time when content updates were monthly - and those days it felt like 20$ a month was totally justified because we were crowdsourcing content. FF 14 is adding content faster and generally with more impact (I feel) WoW created a bunch of…well almost Korean MMO style grinds and a raid.
I was crestfallen to see that the Renown campaign quests do not seem to differ between the covenants thus far. So that is something I was looking forward to with 40 more renown levels. Honestly in 3 months I have a feeling we will feel as if 9.1 never happened - the only change will be…some folks will be running heroic SoD.
the irony in this statement is palpable
Replying to many people at once here:
According to people here commenting; we don’t see as much streamers in FF14 than we do WoW (and you know…; supposedly they’re ‘crushing us in numbers’ etc etc as the rhetoric goes) is because its a story driven game and its not fun to watch.
– > I think FF has all of the same qualities as WoW in terms of entertainment. I personally like FF14 raids MORE then WoW, because they’re 8 man raids… so its basically just a buffed up M+, they have amazing boss fights and it looks super cool the whole way through… this SHOULD be popular / viral. PvP is increasingly getting more and more popular with 2 separate ranking systems. I think by saying its because its story driven etc is a cop out. Strong online games have strong viewership. It’s a numbers game and fact. I’m not saying a game has to have viewership to be good… but when your comparing it to WoW like media/people have been lately… Comparing streams is completely valid evidence of just how viral it really is. When you see FF14 with high numbers for the day its usually because a WoW streamer or a streamer from some other game is deciding to check out the game, etc.
And according to some people the reason why the forums are desolate; is because people are playing the game! or that there is nothing to complain about! I think this too is a cop out,
–> a game with a truly HUGE population (as people claim… as the rhetoric goes) will have a way busier forum, in my opinion, then what they have now. Why wouldn’t they? Forums are a social hub for everything game related. Complaints OR otherwise. Just my two cents on that. And then to double-down and say “there is nothing to complain about” is just delusional. There are so many things wrong with the game. I bought some items from their item mall the other day, and it took them 8+ hours to deliver them. Or how there are so many little flaws with the games design, its incredible.
The fact that FF14 is also on console opens up so much playerbase, so it’s not that I dont think theres a lot of people playing the game, I just don’t think its as crazy as people say. “FF14 iS aBoUt to EaT WoWs LuNcH” I’ve seen the most ridiculous articles on this stuff lately.
I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t find a stream where the streamer is effectively just reading a book 50% of the time very entertaining
not to mention you can play the entirety of the base game and first expansion completely for free, so people who watch games just to see what they’re like can just…play the game themselves, for free
It’s only fluid at the end of a given expansion when you’ve increased your haste to the point where you constantly have something to do. High end players get there much faster than regular players, too. Then the new expansion hits and the regular player is back to having to deal with a stilted combat system because Blizzard’s modern design philosophy is that they have to knock you way back so that you can continue to feel like you’re progressing when they gradually spoon feed your prior abilities back to you.
They weren’t even shy about expressing this in the lead up to 9.1. They literally said that they deliberately made the Maw awful so that you could feel good about riding in Korthia when it came out. Sorry, but downgrading my character so that they can gradually recover what they’ve had all along doesn’t feel like progression, no matter how often they try to claim that it is.
Only if you can’t read.
I let google auto fill… Which is final fantasy online. It had more hits than wow or world of Warcraft.
Ps. I haven’t touched final fantasy and don’t really intend to. I’m just saying people shouldn’t discount it. It’s a legit thing right now.
repeating yourself over and over doesn’t make your previous statement less ironic
Not only does it but it makes your own posts more ironic as you fail to read them again and again.
I specifically stated I can’t speak for all of them, just enough. Considering how close the two are, virtually ALL of the TBC players would have to stop playing altogether. Predicting THAT is speaking for 2 million.