again, context is important. the whole point is judging which game is more popular: WoW may have more total subscribers, but they’re divided between two different games
Only going off twitch viewers is about the same as dipping your cup into the ocean and being convinced that gives you all the information possible about it.
No it’s not. The whole point is money. Besides if TBC didn’t exist more people would be playing retail. Not all of them sure but more than enough to crush FF14
Wow is actually one of the few mmos’s that still use website forums. Most others have been pretty much inactive for yeasrs now.
I think 90% of the attention FF 14 gets on these forums and in the media in general is not due to Final Fantasy itself being exceptionally good. Its more about the WoW community being bitter about the current state of the game. It’s like a toxic relationship with an abusive partner. Hence you see all these endless “I quit” threads where the topic starters are really begging others to persuade them to stay.
As someone who genuinely loves FFXIV, this is post is 100% correct.
You literally hit the nail on the head.
To be fair, if it wasn’t for a certain streamer than those number would be very different. In fact when he stops his streams those numbers get adjusted pretty dramatically.
means literally nothing to the person looking at each game to decide which one they want to play
this is just wishful thinking
It alonge with every class is doing very well.
One thing you never need to worry about in ff14 is class balance. Every class is great if not amazing
I see what you are saying but… we aren’t going only off viewers are we.
Why isn’t every major WoW streamer playing 9.1? The longest wait for a .1 patch in history that was highly anticipated should bring in excitement for streamers, viewers and players right? Well it didn’t. People left for good in 9.0 and didn’t come back because 9.1 didn’t address all the problems that made people leave.
There is absolutely no hype around 9.1 or WoW right now. The only press WoW gets it too MEME it honestly.
Lets also look at why streamers stream games, they stream them because a lot of people are interested in that game and it has a lot of people that want to watch it. It’s simple math that if a WoW streamer can get 2 or 3 times the viewers playing another game they are going to do that. It’s because FF is where the hype is.
SL is just done, completely dead on the water and there are tons of things pointing to that. This is why FF is surging in the slowest time for them. So your analogy is pretty far off base.
No it’s fact. But again second place excuses
Hard disagree. I say the game is dead because I don’t see anybody in Korthia. Because there’s maybe a couple dozen groups on LFG at any given time. Because it took me over 13 minutes to get into a dungeon while I was queued up as a HEALER on an alt. Because I don’t see people in the world. I say the game is dead because all I ever see is people hot crapping on the game and the WoW forums are only ever talking about how great Final Fantasy is.
Your posts are such hyperbolic nonsense that they’re hilarious to read.
no it isn’t
Because FF isnt a streaming game do to its slower paced focused narrative.
Wow only has its big 3 and we see what happens when 1 of the Big 3 ends, its numbers plummit.
Tbh even if the game isn’t dead it sure gives off that feeling. Between shards and WM I see maybe 30 people a week out in the world questing. Oh and my main is also ally so super RIP there
Hey, if someone says it’s a fact, it’s a fact.
Just because you can’t comprehend the post or points it’s making, is no reason to be upset. Maybe someone will help you out or you might want to discuss anything on topic instead of flaming an individual.
Oh I’m quite the opposite of upset. Like I already stated, I find your posts to be entertaining and funny as hell.