Yeah, as someone who enjoys both games. I’ve cleared current content in both games.
I really feel like they are two separate things.
FF14 rewards you for playing very casually. It’s perfect for a wider range of audience.
WoW is a game that rewards you for being hardcore, and playing to the very limit of the meta. It’s good for hardcore gamers. Casuals struggle with WOW. I think that’s why FF14 is succeeding.
Haha, totally! (On the One is good and one is dead, always) that is so true.
Also too, I know SE doesn’t like… fully support the idea of eSports (they’ve never held an actual eSports title unlike Blizzard) …but, they do have like 4 separate ranking systems which I think is interesting. I wish they officially embraced what FFlogs does, which is basically the IO of FF14.
Another actually successful MMO can only be a good thing. In this market, more MMOs is better for any other good MMO. When they compete with each other, they produce better content than when they’re competing against, say, Fortnite, LoL, Diablo, Valorant, etc.
WoW shouldn’t be in this delicate situation where egotism can push it over. If it is, then yes, it will fall. But honestly part of the biggest struggle this game is had is trying to compete with MOBAs as an esport, trying to add seasons, all these contrivances have suggested for a while now that WoW has been competing outside of its genre. If they look and say their customer is over there playing Final Fantasy, then they have a motive to actually develop the RPG content the game is supposed to be delivering.
I don’t know what Google trends you’re looking at but I just did a comparison and wow was miles ahead for ages. Up until the last month where FF clearly surpassed it. Not by a huge margin or anything but still… To go from way below to clearly above now? Does not bode well for wow. Especially considering FF has a large expansion on the horizon as well? This is their content lul right now lol
Ninja? Lol. Honestly, FF14 in my opinion is a healers game. The combat system is… well, final fantasy. So theres a 2.5 GCD in FF slow-paced combat fashion. Of course you can plug certain skills in during that GCD like WoW, but it’s still quite blocky compared to the fluid WoW style. I’ve rolled a Ninja, and a Redmage, and I quit them both after leveling them up and learning their rotation… I just dont find DPS fun in FF14… but healing is super fun!
Exactly and some days FF has more viewers. Also this is FF slowest time since it’s before the next expansion. So FF slowest time is competing with WoW busiest. The new FF expansion comes out in Nov.
So can you imagine what Nov. FF numbers will look like and WoW will still be in 9.1
melee dps that primarily cycles two different rotations
the first is your standard 1>2>3, punctuated with various oGCD abilities between them to keep the flow moving, as well as a couple of extra abilities filled in at various points for applying a DoT or maintaining your Huton buff.
the second and more important one is your mudras, 3 buttons that, when pressed in specific combinations, activate different ninjutsus. Huton is your primary buff that you want to maintain at all times, it speeds up your GCD by a lot, giving you a much faster attack speed. Raiton is what you’ll use most in single target, as it’s just a big single target attack, while Katon and Doton are your aoe abilities
Ninja (along with Monk) is the class I generally recommend to new players most, as it tends to start to feel mostly complete earlier than other classes, and having a faster GCD makes it feel less jarring coming from more fast paced games like WoW
not trying to start an argument or anything, but i can never understand when people call WoW’s combat fluid. it’s always felt more like whack-a-mole to me. a lot of classes will even have stretches here and there where i just have to stand there and wait for a button to come up so i can hit it, since everything is down
The only way that would make sense is if they ALSO broke up FF14 and all the other games into the different content they offer. Unless we’re assuming 100% of their playerbase is playing the current expansion, “which isn’t true even in WOW, some people don’t have Shadowlands yet.”
And it’s relevant becuase they’re paying for it. Whether they play it or not.
what other games? there are two Worlds of Warcraft (technically 3 if you wanted to divide Classic even further between Vanilla and TBC). there is only one Final Fantasy 14
100% of people do not like a product if only 50% of them play it when it is packaged with another product
It’s simply having an axe to grind against WoW. People act like it ran over their dog, so they need to jump onto every opportunity they can to tear it down.
You’re looking at a different chart than I am. Again. WOW subs are wow subs. If Blizzard is offering alternative content that people like that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.
FF14 loses, plain and simple. Second place excuses are just that.