FF14 lies?

It looks like a mobile game, but WoW plays like a mobile game.

At this point, I rather have the looks than the actual functionality of one…


Unlike wow, the ultimate Chad’s game! Your posts are a joke.


Not dead. Lost massive amounts of subs and is below FFXIV’s sub count for sure. The fact Activizard stopped posting its sub count back in WoD should be a red flag for you, but here we are.

Love WoW, but Activizard has continuously crapped on it and taken steps to make it worse.

Found the bias.

Activizard is actively killing WoW.

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The bit of FFXIV I’ve played, I can honest say it doesn’t seem like the type of game that really lends itself to streaming because of the heavy emphasis on story and all the cinematics. That being said, a certain popular WoW streamer is getting big audiences steaming FFXIV.

I don’t like Japanese style of games. I’m surprised it’s not filled with tentacles.

My response was to this statement, when I said it’s trash game.

Because I like wow and prove wrong people who claim there isn’t enough content?

Wanna raid? To Hard
Do Mythic +? To booting
Do Torghats? You mean Boreghast?
Do old content stuff? I have nothing from it
Pet battles? Don’t like it
PvP? Broken unbalanced, don’t like pvp

I mean better question is why are you still playing this game?

It’s passed in numbers because it’s cross platform Bs

I’ve visited the forums square enix is not good with web design even signing up for the game was hard.

But as others pointed out the forums are usually a place to complain and people don’t do that often in ffxiv since they usually get what they want.

People wanted male viera and female hrothghar, they got the male viera and are getting the hrothgar later,

They complained about how helms work for hrothgar and viera, they got some head stuff to work and there is a constant stream of conversation about why some stuff doesn’t work atm and how they are planning on fixing it.

WoW has a huge time sink so no game will ever “beat” it. The only game that will destroy WoW is WoW. And that’s what we are currently seeing here.

I’m a ffxiv convert and even I understand this. I WANT to love WoW but they keep shooting them selves on the foot. I’m wayyyyy more invested in troll lore and shamans then I am with my miqote but ffxiv respects ur time and is enjoyable to play.

Tried to come back to WoW to see some things and just by the whole covenant grind, mythic plus grind, and min maxing everything so I can actually get invited to groups I was just overwhelmed.

WoW is the WoW killer and that cow is slowly bleeding


You did? Must have missed it…

Oh I’m not. My sub runs out today.

That was BFA in WoW.

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This also. One major player here is PvP.

Look at all the WoW streamers with 500+ viewers, and then remove all the PvP streamers and see what you have left. FF14 doesn’t do PvP very well. (Although I’ve heard they are making big changes in Endwalker, so we’ll see.)

This probably isn’t true. If you are basis this statement from that article that came out several weeks ago that was about player participation not sub counts. Also the website that article was getting the info from showed that if you add the players of both retail and classic TBC together it’s quite a head of FFXIV.

My guess is WoW still has substantially more paid subs. With FFXIV you get so much for free that a lot of the players are using the free trial. This is all speculation on my part.

I love the people that claim FFXIV is a “creepy furry game” when wow is 10x more “furry” than XIV will ever be.


Square Enix sold out of digital versions of their game, so I highly doubt this is the case.

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You know what I mean but you’re right :grin::grin::grin:

Wow is getting killed by same players base that complains about everything. When people ask to bring back old content challenges? Toxic community is “NOOOOO!! Why didn’t you play back then”
Gives us cross-faction play ? “NOOOO!! WoW needs to have two factions at war”
So when WoW player-base decides what they actually want, maybe this game will be better

However, that website I referred to shows that combined Retail and Classic TBC have quite a bit more players.

Wow has unique cartoonish aesthetic, FF14 tends more to realistic looking anime style. Show someone picture form wow environment they will know it’s wow. But FF14 is so similar to other games , plus it has that Japanese anime style on top of it.

Oh so its the player’s fault for wow being crap.

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I love how people come on the forum and state their options as facts. The guy above me is a prime example.

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No way of actually knowing that honestly, the website that people use for mmo numbers still has Wildstar listed as having an active playerbase.

Except FF has an FF art/aestetic to it. Look at any modern FF game and it has similar aestetics as 14. So to your point yes wow has it’s own style but so does FF.

Your statement is no different than me saying “wow is a furry game for creepos”.

It’s one thing to not like something but the way you bashed it is ignorance.

Yes and I told you why? If I was wow developer I wouldn’t be able to meet the demands of player base. They are so divided it’s not worth to talk about