FF14 lies?

I don’t know about the official forums, but reddit you certainly shouldn’t ever use an example of the game’s actual developers being intolerant of criticism. The mods over there are some of the worst I’ve seen on any sub, bar none

The devs have shown on several occasions they’re very open to constructive criticism, and often make changes and additions based entirely on what the players are talking about

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WoW has created this weird phenomena though, I like to call them “WoW gamers.” They’re people who never played a game before WoW and even now don’t play anything besides maybe candy crush. After wow is dead and gone they will probably go back to playing no games again.

Its weird, I don’t know if any other game has created this.

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I feel their pain. I played EvE online for 7 years before I had to stop. It was just painful and I always compared other games to it for the first year just never being happy.

If you go check their forums now there are criticisms there. So this is definitely a lie. Now if the criticism is just straight up raging and toxic then yeah it most likely gets removed. Just like here on the WoW forums.

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You know why it’s “cool” to bash on wow right now? Because the game is in the worst state its ever been in.

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Guilds will not stream/allow their members to stream world-first races to not reveal strategy.

In your opinion sure. To me that was BfA.

You have obviously missed the last… 3ish races.

Don’t get me wrong, I hated BFA too and thought, ok fine this is the down swing/bad expansion, next one will DEFINITELY be better. Oh how wrong I was…

FF14 is straight up stupid game. I don’t like the anime esthetic, raids , gameplay. Yea wow has its own Issues but it’s by far best MMO. Even ESO is way better that FF14.

I find it’s actually in one of the best states it’s ever been in, but I also actually play end game content so that’s probably why.

There was literally a Twitter post someone did with a screen. All their na servers are so full you can’t even make a character right now.

If you don’t think there’s been a massive migration to that game you’re just wrong.


I unsubbed in BfA, actually rather enjoying SL so far.

Is everything perfect or even legion level? No, but I still like it.

Mainly though I’m a raid/m+ player and those have been great so far.

First off

Second this has to be a joke coming from one of the most anime looking races in wow lol.

Yep, I don’t even like that anime crap and I can agree and see that they are indeed undergoing a massive influx of players during a lull period at that. Where do you all think those players are suddenly coming from?

Let’s start being real here, some of you have your head so far in the sand it’s sad to see. You can defend this game but not to the point of failing to see all of its shortcomings and why so many now former WoW players are so pissed off.

Including myself. #playerhousing2022

That’s all wow has going for it. The world isn’t much of a world anymore. What casual content there is flat out sucks and feels like it was put in as a chore just to keep those non raiders/M+ people happy.

  1. Literally Asmongold. Whichever game he is streaming is ahead of the other one.
  2. Simple. WoW forums are largely used to trash talk, and FF14 isn’t as big on that.
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Japanese Anime looking. I remember you from other post defending FF14. Why are you still here? Just kidding

Call it whatever you like , FF14 is for anime loving creepy players who pretend to be in love with their characters. Weird stuff … ugh creeps me out.

It looks like a mobile game

bear in mind that server availability is dynamic in FF14. one minute they may all be full, the next you’re free to go wherever you like. assuming this twitter post wasn’t a photoshop, that person probably just got really unlucky at the time they tried to make a character. I’m looking at the server status page now and only 8 of the 24 servers on NA are locked to character creation

That’s not what this thread was about but thanks for sharing I guess? lol