FF14 lies?

every FF14 expansion has 3 full length Alliance raids, 12 small-scale raids that range from a stand-alone fight to a mini-raid, and several single encounter trials that all total out to a comparable amount of raid content to what WoW presents

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It depends on what you’re looking for.

As even a heroic raider 24 man raids are like… oh that’s cool, i guess.

Yeah… I don’t think you’ve been paying attention.

I tried on and off to find a guild for 3 years. Found a pretty good one alliance side that was progressing H CN but literally fell apart over night. I mean literally over night. After the raid the next day there was a message saying “guild’s dead, no more raids. You’re welcome to stay here till you find a new place”. There was apparently some drama between some officers and some of the top dps.

All this to say trying to find a guild in modern wow sucks. I hate it. It’s just not the same mindset from years ago…

FFXIV players don’t use the official forums. If I remember correctly Reddit has become their unofficial forums.

Been in the same guild for years, just a heroic/aotc guild, bunch of friends, met many of the irl.

damn shame too, because the mods of that subreddit are some of the worst I’ve ever seen

Or waiting endlessly to even get into a run for 0 gear at the end lol

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I think s-post FFXIV reddit has become more of the official reddit lol.

The main reddit is mostly commissions now…

Must be nice.

Or for gear that’s worse than covenant gear, then you hope for a good vault drop but it’s a 210 for the same slot you got a 213 in for doing the 4 mythic 0s in a week.

Gearing in modern wow SUCKS beyond anything I can put into words.

FF14 has half the player base WOW has. The charts these people are using break up TBC logins “ around 2 million,” from retail logins “2.4 million more”. That’s ridiculous as it’s the same subscription so if you log into either you’re a WOW subscriber.

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And wow has the most fragmented player base in probably all of gaming right now. You have classic wow, classic BC, and retail. Thats 3 splits, then in each of those 3 splits it splits twice more for factions. No wonder any given version of the game feels dead.

But hey you’re ALL wow subscribers so YAY!

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Sparkling contribution right here.

Not exactly, because retail and classic are, by all accounts, two separate games, even if they run off the same subscription. It also doesn’t consider the idea, how many of those 2 million TBC logins and 2.4 million retail logins are the same player?

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Do you even play the game? Because TBC classic is far from dead last I played it some hour ago or so. Full and high pop realms, even my medium pop realm is active just fine.

Thats a net positive imo. Streamers are poison, and if the forums are barren, that means players are in-game instead.

The can change “high” pop to whatever they want. “Full” could mean only 100 players for all we know.

Pretty sure they are spamming other forums with their threads from what i’ve seen so far

No I magically got 20k achievement points in a game I’ve never played. /s

You’re actually the one that doesn’t look like they play. Unless you literally bought a second account to post on? Did you buy a second account to post on?

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Come on now.