Ff14 just sign their own death warrant, wow is king!

The huge list of power upkeep chores and massive gear disparity doesn’t help. If the difference between fresh 60 and heroic raider was half the ilvl it currently is, and new toons didn’t have to worry about conduits, soulbinds, domination shards, legendary, Torghast farming, anima, and all the other stuff just to GET to the fun, we would see less carries.

Blizzard has made the game so tedious that people would rather pay their way through it than play their way through it.


It’s honestly shocking there even was a carry market in FFXIV since the gear is worthless there.

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Opportunity cost strikes again?

No it’s not weird.

Now the lfg won’t be filled with spam adds only people wanted to pay for carries meaning they’ll get picked up quick by whatever group is watching and the lfg section should be free of adds

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this would make me sad, but I would gladly pay extra in wow if I could skip all the story stuff.

they wouldn’t be selling that option if no one bought it, so I am betting not all FF players agree with you.

People selling carries was a huge problem on the group finder for years it took blizzard a long time to actually do some about it. If this does not include all the rmt transactions as well

It’s there as a digital service, it costs them exactly $0 to have it there. The general community senses thought is that you shouldn’t unless you’ve done it all on 1 character so that says a lot.

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Hardcore copium.



If you have to get carried in ANY content in FFXIV then… wow. Just… wow.

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This is my boat. I not only watch all the cutscenes, I read all the dialogue. Including item flavour text and all the sidequests. I’m super excited for Endwalker MSQ. Also the raid and alliance raid series. :slight_smile:


I swear FFXIV is looking at everything WoW is doing, and then doing the opposite, and its WORKING for them.

Blizzard Co-President advertises streaming of paid carries? FFXIV cracks down on paid carries and RMT transactions.


I don’t need to reply further because a lot of people agree that is a stupid think to do and that boosting and carries is financially a good thing for wow. That square is shooting itself in the foot from one of the most profitable segement of a player base. I mean really there is not much more to add.

Imagine spending money to buy a video game, then more money for a subscription, then more money to have other people play it for you


It’s okay sir, denial is just the first of the 5 stages of grief…

How so? it’s wow’s old loot system aka need/greed and its no different.

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People pay to get by the boring stuff to get to the fun stuff. A F2P game is packed full of boring stuff to encourage people to buy some item in the cash shop to be able to skip ahead.

As opposed to armies of players whining that casuals want to play the game, when they should just do unrewarding grinds all the time?

It’s because their dev team actively looks at other MMO’s as a source of inspiration to see what works and what doesn’t work. WoW used to do that too at one point and it made the game good. Now, they don’t even play their own games, much less look at other MMO’s for inspiration. Although, I do know that YoshiP does have some friends on the WoW team. However, I doubt Ion and co take any of the feedback they exchange. I mean the WoW devs don’t even take any feedback from the WoW community.


Not gonna lie. if the season 3 mount is worth it I will help out a fellow gamer as it were. gimme slot 25, you get gold, I get mount…win win.

only carry I would see. I don’t yet another 1% mount to chase later. Not gonna lie…if blizzard put up a notice of for 100K invincible will drop this ICC run…I’d give 110K. 10 k tip. Since I jsut want that to end…

Funny thing is… content in FF is fun and worth playing…. Not like WoW where it’s not fun and just better off paying for a carry so I can Netflix and chill.