Ff14 just stupidly went to war on paid carries both in terms of rmt and their in game currency. Wow players who like freedom and independence will not like that and will soon flock back to wow due to such draconians rules and punitive punishment. Goodbye square you went the wrong way! Lol!
Hope this gets moved like my WoW ffxiv booster post but since it likes WoW then it’ll prob stay here.
That being said ur take is the dumbest one today thanks for the laughs
Who cares about paid carries.
Most players who enjoy the game will actually PLAY it, and not just get carried.
While some players might be disappointed in this latest action in FF14, I expect the number to be extremely small.
LOL reaching much? I’m glad they are doing it. Death to carries and RMT of any kind. I never once supported that, it creates awful players who don’t learn their class or the game in general.
If you think killing carries is gonna make wow “king” again…you got another thing coming. Just wait till Nov 19th where it will explode x3 or more of all other mmos.
Hello, I see you made a thread about paid carries. I agree with you, paid carries are a boon to any game they are involved in! In the great game of World of Warcraft, it helps generate more revenue, helps people of lesser skill, and really shows the true power of pay to win! I for one welcome all our returning boosters looking to earn some good cash gold on the side!
Thanks for your post and have a terrific day!
Just to see all the sad faces of all the new players once they realize that they have to pay more money to skip the hours of cutscenes to actually play the new content.
It will be glorious!
OP is being sarcastic. They’re making fun of Blizzard for not doing what Square did.
I love when the OP vaguely talks about something irrelevant to the actual product they’re posting on
They just don’t want it advertised in LFG they don’t care and can’t do anything about discords. So people will just link their discord which is fine. The people that want boosts know where to find it and the spam is bannable in-game.
Win win for everyone. Now if only WoW would do that…
If I could just get past the art style, I would be so much happier over there.
my problem with it is yes although it does help people with lesser skill it also doesn’t help them either. this is why people need to be more open and actually help teach these players how to do content via stepping stones rather then gate them to not being able to join.
say if they want to get into raiding they can learn via doing normals and yes they can get carried to an extent and still learn and thus it will boost enthusiasm to hopefully learn and get better and go into harder content where they dont need to be carried.
at this rate your just rewarding people for being bad and they might view it as okay and then eventually wonder why they still dont get into content despite they got carried via a boost. the game itself isn’t hard it just takes time to learn and practice. given this is speaking on a casual level of course if you want to do like world first, MDI, AWC type of gameplay that is a whole different ball park
I don’t pay for carries, so it won’t affect me.
And the snail pace of the game… -.-
Yeah nah. Keep ordering that copium. You’re going through a lot.
You know if boosts and carries were eliminated from Trade chat, it would be super quiet.
I see people making tons of gold off of boosting, but it does inflate the communities skill and Blizz probably can’t even sort out the fact that a considerable amount of people only do certain mandatory content to play the other content that is fun.
They think millions are doing X content and it’s fun. When it’s millions buying carries to do Y content. The boost spammers both in chat and custom games just proves how skewed everything is.
Also, it’s a player made problem. People would rather pay to play end game content because we’re already of the mindset of pay to play.
It’s just a vicious cycle of armies of bad players with bought achievements whining about lack of content because they’d rather Netflix WoW than engage it on a challenge oneself goal.
No not really, you as a wow player may see the cutscenes as a waste of time but we do not. We LOVE the cutscenes and most new players who stick around do so too because the story is legendary 300 IQ levels of writing.
Your posting gimmick still sucks
Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not sure what you mean by a “gimmick,” I’ve always posted like this! I’m sorry that my posts anger you so. Maybe a nice trip through Torghast will help to soothe your soul!
Thanks for your post and I hope you have a great day!
I personally don’t mind carries, they don’t directly effect me, but I also think wows health would overall be better without them.
Good on FF14 for taking a stance.
ultimately that should help stem gold farm bots since players wont be buying gold to buy carries anymore.
I doubt most players are going to act like a game of ping pong and go between just 2 games back and forth. Maybe some will take a break and wait for whatever the next big game set for 2022 is. Or 2023. WoW 2 maybe.