People can give anything attention, and that thing can be special.
Streaming video games itself is a fad, then. As were arcades, in which we used to stand around and watch other people play video games. (“Streaming” in 1986.)
No one does that anymore; most arcades don’t even exist anymore. Streaming video games over the internet will fade out one day too.
I agree.
Delete YouTube.
Youtube is here to stay, just like watching television is here to stay. Pre-produced entertainment on a little box in front of you will always be a thing. That’s been around since the late 1940s.
Watching other people play video games already came and went (1980 - 1995ish) as will streaming (2010-ish - ?). Watching people play video games online won’t last forever.
The 1980s and 1990s are coming back with a vengeance when it comes to fads. The technology is attractive to youths that never lived through it. The fashions are leaking back into culture. The musical themes are coming around again. Brand new music on the radio sounds like New Wave. Original Sony Walkmans are selling for thousands of dollars.
Cassettes are “sick”.
I’d guess that after a few more years, arcades will blow up again because of the “retro” angle. Stand-up video game cabinets will probably be connected via Internet to allow for multiplayer stuff, and people will again pile up behind the machines to watch, and put their quarters (dollars? LOL.) up on the machine to “call next.”
2030 - The year the physical arcade returns.
And what SHOULD have happened is WoW SHOULD be SOO good they never wanted to leave in the first place.
And here we are…
I think you’re right about it being a fad. However, this should alarm Blizzard to do better next time.
What’s television?
Here is the reality of what’s happening. 9.1 released new content, a new raid, a rework to torghast, 40 more renown and people still rather play FF14. WoW patches usually bring in players so if you want to follow trends, the trend for WoW relying on patches didnt work this time around.
6 months from now they might move on from FF14, but that doesnt mean that they will come back to wow.
It’s amusing that people refer to twitch numbers and metrics for ff14. Right now, at this moment, typing this, WoW channel has 133k and ff14 33k viewers. “WoW is dead” lol
We need to find out so we can slap them upside the head.
Tbh, people have been looking for years to find an other game to use as an unloaded gun to scared Blizzard into doing what they want.
“You don’t change this right now, I’m leaving for this game and NEVER coming back.” Since FF does have some popularity to it, it became the easiest to use with this threat.
That being said, I have been noticing that the FF community seems to be getting a lot more toxic lately. Like, really toxic it seems. As much as I dislike asmongold, there was apparently a big effort to keep him off the FF servers when he first tried to play it. The playbase trying to bar him from playing got so bad, the mods ended up intervening.
People are tired of the same stuff. 9.1 is the same stuff 9.0 had… and we want to play something else maybe next expac will be better we’ll see its been 2 bad eggs in a row 3rd times a charm?
It was only a small group of crazies, most people have been super welcoming, he has said that himself.
Yup, basically the community holding the devs hostage.
They have always been toxic, despite what FF shills on these forums would try and have you believe.
All I ever hear about it is how good the story content is and that the developers listen to the fan base.
I don’t play MMOs for a single player experience.
However, knowing devs actually are listening is nice.
Hard to be a single player experience when the game forces you to go through a ton of dungeons and some raids just to get through the story lol.
They are literally doing raid content sync and minimum ilvl, how is that a “single player game”. If you want them to stay gone thats fine but i want you to know that a lot of the rhetoric going on right now sounds very familiar to Wild Star and look what happened. Its better to want to keep players than say “well if you do not like it leave” because if enough do leave then your game dies.
Now that isnt to say i am am insinuating that WoW is “dying” or on a “death spiral” but that the this kinda mentally isnt very helpful.
To be fair, the race to world first is mega happening right now so people are interested.
Honestly I don’t give a damn about FF14, and all the nobodies on the forums constantly spamming about it only makes me less interested in it every time I see it.
I don’t know why people think they are speaking the gospel to the unwashed masses.
Like they think they are some great messiah whose words are gonna be the one that changes everyone’s mind.
It’s pretty cringe.
Someone else hit the nail on the head when they said 90% of FFs hype isn’t because it’s exceptionally good, but rather because we’re restless with wows current state.
I want to see how some people feel about FF after years of daily playing it rather than just being in their MSQ saying it’s game of the century.