FF14 is just a fad. Nothing more

I can’t BELIEVE no one listens to trance anymore!!! Where did everyone go!!!


Lol the copium.
No it’s not the streamdrs. FFXIV sold out their keys for their game. For a MMORPG!

WoW is bad in many aspects right now. Classic is boring.
SL is terrible. No content, boring quests, bad systems, a terrible “story”, the end of customization, going against their players etc.


I’ve got this bridge off the coast of Florida I’d like to sell ya. :smirk:

Some of the best Raiding and Mytic+ content…


Classic is fun, it’s just dead atm. I’m looking forward to the inevitable Classic Mixtape Season that’s coming down the pipe.

question: who are you trying to convince OP, that ffxiv is a fad?

cause if it’s GD, well, then good luck with that.

They both suck at endgame, keep huffing that waifu copium.

I raided. Well not mythic, granted. I’m not impressed.
That’s literallythe only thing they did that’s OK.
And how many raids are there? 2. At the End of SL? 3 maybe 4?
What content?

Raiding was only one Part of the game, not the only content.

What a out pvp? Right

I never played FFXIV.
It’s not for me.

But, they are listening to their fans, fixing their game, delivering and they are obviously making something correct.


Call me crazy man, but I like both games.

Yeah, just a fad. Yup streamers are making people play. Did I mention I started it a couple months before the streamers came along? Or that most of the people I met on there have all come over from here over the last 24 months?

Yep, just a fad. Also, posting in another XIV thread.

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I’ve been Raiding and running Mythic+ with the guild every single week since the they were open and available. Everyone who is into such activities in the guild has been having a great time with it.


The problem with this theory is that they are jumping ship on the heels of a patch that is barely 2 weeks old. That’s very concerning.

I would say that your theory has ground if it were during a content drought but if anything, FFXIV is in a content drought until the next xpac and its seeing more interest. That is at the very least noteworthy if nothing else.

(.2 isnt going to happen for a very long time and 9.1 already losing people out the gate? that’s bad.

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Good for you.
Many people are not in to it or in to so view.

Like I said I am not impressed with the raids, the lack of content, all the retcons, the terrible story, no class armor sets, the end of customization…

SL is terrible for anyone that cares about sory, pvp and more content.

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It’s not really a content drought to new players. Someone coming in to XIV brand new has a tremendous amount of game in front of them.


Wow is in a bad spot right now. Yes streamers are definitely are a reason but at the same time a lot of people are looking for something new including myself.

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I mean, FF14 is just a fad, it’s not like it’s been doing well and getting great reviews online for the last seven years.

Oh wait.

Sure, there’s hype and sure people will go to and fro, but to call it just a “fad” is a bit disingenuous.


The hilarious thing about this is that two weeks ago, the white knights were adamantly insisting that as soon as 9.1 hit all the FFXIV buzz would die down and players would come back to the fold. So much for that conjecture. It’s like no one even read the patch notes before voicing that opinion.


I’m pretty sure that they were never really into it and are probably not really into FFXIV either. That most of those players are just going along with it because others are. In other words, it’s a fad just like most of pop culture gaming.

Are you drunk? What copium is this?

Why are you ignoring pvp?

Most people are not into raiding on high end. That’s how it is. I raided (not mythic). It’s not my focus.

What else is there? Borgasth?
2 raids? Oh boy so much content.