FF14 is adding a feature WoW REALLY needs to implement

Bro, who cares?

This is the most waste of time ever.

WoW has a solution to this issue as well. Important NPCs are placed in a Higher strata than other players. Meaning that even if you can’t see them you can click on them.

It is, however, not applied universally.

Would be nice to see similar added here too.

This! Actually with this toy wow did it first I think everyone should get this toy.

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So I was forced to do that stupid Soup thing in Azure Span, and it re-invigorated my hatred for world events because of people acting like fools and idiots waiting for the event to start… really makes me wish I could just hide everybody that I’m not sharing a battle with.

Hide them, any noise they make, and any objects they place in the world.

I don’t need to see a ton of fishing chairs, or whatever those things are, horns, drums, and other noisy crap over and over again, or the idiots jumping into the pot to get knocked away over and over again.

Probably one of my least fun 10+ minutes I’ve had in WoW in awhile.

Another new QoL feature being added with Dawntrail :rofl::


Lol wow is only where it is because of taking ideas from other mmos. dont be dumb


God i wish
every single boss in wow needs this feature, immediately


I cannot stress how much WoW would benefit from this at the very least. I don’t care what anyone has to say about XIV and what it has, but this feature right here would be an absolute godsend.

Nothing worse than having to wait actual days to do a questline just so you can feel immersed in it properly without having the important NPC hidden under giant mounts with players just AFKing.


I mean it’s a nice QoL change but that’s it.

Meanwhile in FF14 land:

  • 900 annoyingly sluggish dialogs to do anything with NPCs (That’s an exaggeration but still).
  • NPC’s split up all over the place to hand in tokens for gear.
  • Needing to unequip gear to hand it in for an upgrade (Namely tome gear).

The list goes on. The game is in dire need of QoL changes and being able to hide nearby players is just one of them. Though honestly I’d put it further down the list.

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That’s not the point, though.

The point is that one QoL change which a LOT of people very much love the idea of.

We’re not asking that we turn WoW into FFXIV, but there’s nothing wrong with borrowing the best ideas. Games do it all the time. It’s how gaming as a whole grows and evolves, constantly learning from one another and improving.

Take the awesome ideas, and leave the bad ideas alone. That’s always the best way to do it.


My guy. I literally said

I was very clearly only talking about hiding players away when trying to do quests lol.

Exactly this lol. Relying on Blizzard to include no mount zones around NPCs pales in comparison to this. I’d kill to have this added to WoW lol.

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We have the trading post now and flightstones. I mean those are pretty good QoL changes (Maybe a little too good but that’s not the point).

Sure, by all means ask for FF14 QoL changes to come here. They probably will. Better yet there’s probably a “legal” mod for the exact thing you’re wanting, especially considering it’s fairly easy to implement (Circle interception + opacity).

This whole thread just feels like stirring the pot to stir. If you don’t want it to be that way, then we shouldn’t act like Blizzard hasn’t time and time again given us beneficial things.

Yeah, I mean it only took them like 15 years to do a half baked update to the UI lol.

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Yea I wouldn’t mind if blizzard shamelessly ripped this idea off. Some of their best ideas weren’t theirs.


WoW actually had this for the flightmaster in Dalaran late in Legion. Someone would run up to the flightmaster and disappear from your view.

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Which is great but seems like something Blizzard has to deliberately turn on, which is hit or miss. You’ll have some NPCs where it’s on just fine, then others, particularly on the side quests, where it’s an absolute nightmare.

Giving the option to players to turn it on themselves will be much easier for all parties involved.

I believe they stopped this in BfA.



Yeah I am sure Blizzard response is “We want you to see players in the world” else we would have already had player housing

people have issues clicking on npcs still? haven’t in years since they added priority clickthrough