FF14 is adding a feature WoW REALLY needs to implement

Wut? This makes literally zero sense lol.


Doesn’t 14 already have a toggle to clear out non-npc interactions?

You can hold down a button so you can only interact with clickables but this helps clear packs of people around NPCs instead. This lets you see the NPCs better when they are mobbed with players lol.

Rift had it 13 years ago. you held SHIFT and players dissapeared.


I just turn everyone into corgis.

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It’s kind of nice because a lot of times the NPCs are emoting, moving around, etc. and you can’t usually see them lol.

Appreciate the clarification, thank you.

Fair, I liked that feature and this new one sounds like an improvement on that theme.

Difference between a generic option and something more specific.

The immersion folks might complain that it’s ruining their immersion not seeing a huge mass of players talking to a quest giver.

Exactly, you take an idea and elaborate or put a spin on it. Game devs do this constantly. Everyone copies everyone, its legit the meme of copying homework, “make it look like you did it”.

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Me like idea.

Good idea.

Mammith big. Block mailbox.


Oh noes you mentioned the forbidden in this forum! Now you’re gonna have flocks of people criticizing it that either didnt play it or played it for 15 mins. :')

I’m ready for DT on friday!

h ttps://i.imgur.com/yYplSf0.png

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race checks out


Also, coming in FFXIV that is awesome:

“After beginning a boss encounter in dungeons newly introduced in Patch 7.0, the shortcut warp will take players to the boss area’s entrance.”

Something else WoW sorely needs.


stares at neltharus


That’s why it’s an OPTION to turn it on or off. If you, for some weird reason want 500 people standing ontop of an NPC, you can do that if you want. The rest of us will happily make everybody disappear if we could.


i sense some intimidated wow fans in here


Oh look another FF14 thread on WoW forums.

Oh, I have PLENTY of issues with Final Fantasy 14. It is by no means a better game than WoW and I’ll stand by that.

But the fact they make so many QoL changes WoW should and people act like they’re horrible options is crazy.