FF14 is adding a feature WoW REALLY needs to implement

Listen, I am by no means a FF14 fanboy - people have seen my feelings towards FF14 in other posts.

But they’re updating for the new expansion tomorrow and they released the patch notes, and in it, there’s a feature WoW really needs to figure out and implement themselves.

Instead of forceably dismounting people for NPCs they “deem” necessary to enact that on, or causing targeting issues otherwise.

If one MMO can do it, it means others should be more than capable.


I can dig it.


I just use the Eyes For You Only toy, has essentially the same result.


Yeah, both of those are great ideas…instead of forgetting player shenanigans over and over again with every NPC they add and then needing to go back and fix it like WoW does.


Yeah I can get behind them adding that feature.


Anything good FF14 does (and it does plenty)


“REEeeee” from WoW playerbase, bad idea, must be destroyed, how dare you say that title, bring that up, etc.



WoW already have solved it via dismounting players and if folks want to go a step further themselves, which would be the same thing as enabling an option like this, you can use a toy to do it. There’s multiple ones that remove, alter, or significantly reduce the amount of other players you see.

WoW is primarily a MMO and MMOs have other players in them. FF14 is primarily a RPG where the MMO aspect functionally only exists to populate the world with more interactable NPCs effectively. Yes there’s more to it than that but in general, and especially in regards to a setting like this, that’s all other players are in FF14.
So no, this comparison doesn’t make any degree of sense.

If another MMO-MMO tries to do it, then sure. Maybe you’d have a better argument then. But FF14 is a RPG and barely a MMO in terms of its overall gameplay and especially questing. Heck that’s part of why the game gets as much praise as it gets. So no, comparing these two games is at best silly.

Ideas, opinions, and arguments have to stand up on their own. Merely that another game is able to pull something off doesn’t automatically mean that it is doable or even good to try to do it. But most folks who mention FF14 uses it exactly like that.

Why does this matter? Most people will finish the TWW campaign within a day or so; if not, sometime during that week. Besides, there’s hardly mass amounts of people hurdling around one quest giver lol. this feature would only be good to have if questing was a bigger part of the game

Most of the important NPCs have a yellow aura don’t they? And a bunch of them have auto dismounts to help deal with the mount situation.

Are there a bunch you’ve run into in WoW that are still a problem currently?

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KMMO’s have been doing this for over a decade.

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I’m excited for the void list.

Sounds like a good function to me.

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Ff14 has a huge list of ideas they need to take from wow still. Like there being no collections tab or anything. Game is built on spaghetti code almost worse than WoW.

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This isnt FFxiv. They arent just going to steal from other companies. (And risk lawsuits for plagiarism) They are doing their own thing instead.

WoW creates an outline of the NPC or object, and allows you to click through players. I don’t see it as a problem as an option but I’m just not a fan of hiding players in the world, can’t stand fighting bosses in GW2 with shadows.

You can do this in wow with a macro, i think there are addons that basically do this as well.

/run local n,m if GetCVar(“componentTexLoadLimit”)==“0” then n=6 m=2 else n=0 m=1 end SetCVar(“componentTexLoadLimit”,n)SetCVar(“graphicsTextureResolution”,m)

Also binding “Interact with Target” is great as well. Then you can just type /tar questnpc and interact. It also works on some things without needing a target such as Songflowers, WSG flags and other lootables in the world.

That isn’t how it works lol.


in FF14 instance

trying to click portal

resorting to numpad 0 because $#@&)!$*

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Also wouldn’t mind if they do like DIV and have pets transparent to everyone else. If they can do that in WoW of course.

Guild Wars flying says hello.