FF14 is adding a feature WoW REALLY needs to implement

If you hit Esc, got to Options; Gameplay; Controls you can turn on the option to Enable Interact Key. And then right below it you can choose where to keybind it to.

I’m not sure they care about that too too much.

Sure, they don’t want the game to look completely dead, thus, CRZ, but… instanced content that takes people out of the world such as dungeons, raids, arenas and battlegrounds is the main game they want us in. Whats once more type of instance on top of all of that? :upside_down_face:

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Just saw FF14 is doing a 48 hour maintenance…

Can you imagine the meltdown here if WoW was down 48 hours.


They want to make sure that the game is good and ready to launch.

Anybody remember WoD launch? How long, again, did it take for the servers to be playable? I tried it 2-3 days later and half of the NPCs wouldn’t spawn, couldn’t interact with items or quest NPCs, etc.

This wouldn’t be a plagiarism risk.

The FF14 one was actually communicated pretty well in advance, if I recall correctly. Its players knew it was coming.

taking an game idea and using it in your own game is not plagiarism
if anyone brings up palworld and nitendo dont it was a mod someone made that added pokemon characters to the game that got nitendo riled up


I am tired of people going “it would be copyright/infringement/plagiarism” … when 99% of all content in all games was borrowed from something else.

Oh, and half of FFXIV’s setup, it’s core gameplay mechanics, hotbar system, etc was ripped straight from WoW.

After 1.0, Yoshi-P told his team to go play WoW for 6 months and come back, and… wouldn’t you know it, 2.0 looks a lot like WoW.


good example would be metroid and castlevania

Also I’d like to point out…

I’m a fan of both games. I feel that both can learn from one another.

WoW could really use some of XIV’s QoL, like the one that started this thread, and others.

XIV, however, really needs to copy WoW’s transmog system, because Glamour… other than the ability to dye gear (which is awesome, and it’s getting an upgrade in DT), the glamour system is hands-down inferior to transmog in every way except for dyeing.

And, IIRC, Yoshi-P himself said that he thought WoW was a cool game and is a fan of it himself.

If only the WoW community could return the same respect.

There does not need to be a rivalry between the two games. They can both be their own thing, and encourage one another to become better. There is no reason why a player can’t enjoy both.


Honestly, this isn’t an issue in modern WOW even if the NPC is crowded. You can’t block NPC’s. If you highlight an NPC surrounded by players now, you can right click the NPC as if the players aren’t there. Not saying there’s anything wrong with FFXIV’s solution, but in current WOW this is a solution in search of a problem.

meh , if I had to pick one element it would the controller support

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It’s not just about clicking the NPC.

For some players like myself, it’s headache-inducing to see so much crap moving around on the screen at once. It causes information overload, when there’s just too much going on at once, too much stuff moving, people making too much racket, etc.

Making it all disappear would make it so much more bearable.


Gonna file this under “Good Idea”. Not a necessity, but not a total waste of time either

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WoW implemented the ability to click through players who are crowded and mounted around NPCs along time ago. And sometimes you auto dismount. But there is no problem with interacting with them for quests and or purchasing and selling. Kind of a waste imo.

People also don’t realize this wasn’t really extra effort on ffs part, just an extension of a system already in place. Ff already filters models when it gets too crowded

FF14 on average has better QoL features than WoW, it’s nice playing a modern MMO sometimes


That literally has nothing to do with whether or not the feature described in the OP is appropriate for other MMO’s. It is, and would be great to have in WoW.


Man I wish WoW had that. Especially when a patch releases.


I think this is a great idea. It would also stop players from exploiting the game with toys and items that make their character “hide” the NPCs.

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