well it helps that they don’t have a bunch of shards that split the active playerbase up
Both games have their good points and their bad points. But for me right now WoW’s bad out weighs it’s good. I’m having a blast with FF right now, despite it’s flaws, I use to have this kinds fun playing WoW. System after useless systems has just driven me away from almost all content in WoW. I still log in and do old stuff once in a while and I will stay subbed, I’ll just spend the majority of my time having fun. Maybe someday WoW will be fun again.
I really liked that when I popped onto classic a while back too. Saw the same faces in zones as I was leveling day in and day out.
One or two people using steam numbers does not represent the majority of 14’s playerbase. You must be easily triggered if you think that’s the case.
IDK… i think it might be…
Meanwhile in FF
I don’t really think asmond is great representation.
If preach or another high end player left WoW for final fantasy., that would carry more weight
there are times that i do like that technology, but it really only works well in super populated zones. when there’s only 20 people in stormwind though there’s no need for it, would be nice if they were able to be more selective about where they use it
Alright three things on that.
Asmogold is toxic and so is his community a fair number of WoW players were happy he is gone.
That community is not there for FFXIV they are there for Asmongold.
Asmongold is only there because he can get away with being toxic and the FFXIV devs defend him for it because he brings them views.
Congratulations you have a more numbers but was it worth it?
The real question is what happens in November when EndWalker releases and Blizzard nothing but TBC Black Temple to compete with FFXIV’s new expansion?
I am still subbed to WoW, waiting for it to expire. Logged in once and just didn’t like having to spend my first hour or so doing stuff that was not fun to me. Might just be as others might be having a blast in the new zone. Something about it just feels off. Might just need a long break or something.
I subbed to FF14 and got a few folks that I used to play WoW with also playing that game. We’re going through the story/MSQ but that just feels like playing a single player SquareEnix RPG with MMO flair.
If only ActiBliz will take some pointers from other MMO, see what works and try it out in WoW, we might be getting somewhere. There’s definitely some pros in FF14 but that might also be subjective.
When they make faceless accusations with no back up proof, yes. Yes they are. Because it’s called being a troll at that point. Come in with some legit facts.
And that is up to you and I play WoW because when it comes to RP WoW is the better game currently yet you do not see me on the FFXIV forums trying to convince RPers to come here.
Hmm, completely ignores (or didn’t understand) the context of why I wrote what I wrote then provides articles that having nothing to do with it.
Strike two … Want to try again?
Yeah, they upgraded server hardware to allow in more people yet you’ll still see queues.
Considering looking at steam charts on an hourly basis they’re still pretty consistently tens of percents higher than the average of just last month, no. Like the one I’m looking at right now shows the game just yesterday still breaking 50k on just Steam. Most people in FFXIV aren’t using Steam.
Yeah you must have missed WOD launch then. In just three months they went from 10 million players to having 5.4 million.
4.6 million lost in 3 months. Let’s average that out to per month. . . That’s 1.5 million people and some change lost each month.
If you got nothing to do and feel slow as a WHM it’s probably cause you should be DPSing in that down time, that’s how you play healer in 14. Some like it, some hate it. Is what it is.
So, specifically for this.
Ignore it, it’s a non-issue. This type of lawsuit is normal anytime a company has a stock drop above a certain extent. Blizzard has had several of these over the years.
well yeah
we’re all playing New World rightnow
check back in after August 2nd
I will say this for wow, the ff14 glamour system is complete garbage compared to wow’s transmog system. Maybe not from a graphical PoV but from a systems PoV there’s no contest. FF14 is basically still using the system WoW used pre-legion? with the hilariously stupid glamour chest thing. Imagine getting gear and not unlocking its mog on your account forever. SMH.
Anyone remember void storage? Yea…lmao.
You obviously know nothing about RP in FF14…lol Anyone who has played years of both games can legit tell you that is a really bad take on RP WoW being better.
Exactly As an RPer transmog is somthing of value for me