FF14 fad didn't last long

Yes it does.
The combat is slow at the beginning but as your kit completes, there’s no down time and you are constantly doing something.

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I’m referring to healing.
Perhaps that’s different?

You do realize that you can’t just use Steam to judge the amount of players since there are multiple ways to play it right?

I am not saying that WoW does not have its flaws I am willing to admit to that. You cane see from this characters sever I RP and that is part of the reason I am still subbed I admit WoW is has its flaws but in the end I admit that. However HEAVEN FORBID ANYONE points out a flaw in FFXIV as they should be flamed to oblivion.

That is the main beef I have with FFXIV and why I will never play there because of the elitist community and the fact you cannot accept criticism and instead you say anyone who does not say FFXIV is perfect in every way is wrong.

The PvP crowd are playing New World. They’ll probably end up coming back to WoW, but for now NW seems to be the it game.

Asmons stream yesterday had like 60k viewers. The next highest FF14 streamer? Like 200.

I imagine a couple more weeks and Asmon will ditch it as his numbers continue to crash.

If you are having to kite while healing, you MIGHT want to give a few ??? to your tank.

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healing as WHM does tend to be slow. AST is far better though, i feel like i never get a break when i pick that job up

People criticize FFXIV all the time, what are you talking about?

They do and when they do they are ganged up upon and flamed to oblivion or bulled into submission.

Yes, people stopped playing FFXIV from 2 weeks ago because the FFXIV forums ban people who say bigoted things.


Highly doubt it.
He’s enjoying it and has set out goals to work on.
Not to mention he had 96.6k viewers yesterday. ht tps://twitchtracker.com/asmongold

You can when the FF14 shillers were using Steam numbers as a metric not more than 2 weeks ago.

Oh yeah, we’ve had a lot of WoW refugees coming in acting like they do on the forums, insta bans. Love it!


This isn’t the “gotcha” moment you think it is, LOL.

There are mechanics in WoW where mobs don’t have aggro….

So nothing comparable in Final fantasy.

Which is why I said it seems slower.

THANK You finally someone else has the courage to stand up and call out FFXIV on the hypocrisy.

One thing I have to give FF14 is that the initial questing play though is a work of genius because it weeds out people that really should not be there.

I suspect that it is partly why player attitudes tend to be a bit more patient (and less caustic) at higher levels.


I tried it for the first time on Wednesday. I’m not sure it is my thing aesthetically. I like wow’s goofy aesthetic and (used to love) the pastiche lore.
That being said, I’ve logged into ffxiv in the early morning before work, evening, and late night for the last three days. I’ve been surprised by how thickly populated the city was. None of the wow servers I have toons on have felt even close to that lively for quite some time.

Asmond is loving the game, and not quitting and plans to play new expansion. Esfand, Rich, and the like pull great numbers at the same time and have said live how much better the community is than WoW, how accepting they are.

During prime time, FF14 has more viewers than WoW atm, early morning it’s WoW as EU players and streamers never really made the jump yet.