FF14 fad didn't last long

Yet hear you are …subbed to a game, and thus supporting the game, that is a rival to the game you say is better just to say how your game is so much better.

Do you understand how illogical that is.

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As the source for that data noted, the drop in player numbers is standard after expansion releases.

It also happens to FF14 and other MMOs

How do people know that? Blizzard hasn’t revealed Subscription numbers since WOD

I’m a low-level alt? lol

Nobody said there were not toxic 14 fans who are anti wow. Same as there are toxic WoW fans anti 14, kinda like…you!

And why would I defend that argument? It is irrelevant and miss read. That kid has no idea how to interpret that data correctly. His current data is checking concurrent users at 4 am. Whatever to fit you anti 14’s toxic folks narrative. Can’t leave anything alone, you got to chastise people liking another game like they can’t play and enjoy both. Gotta crap on something.

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Not to mention that FFXIV is at the end of its content cycle and is preparing for an expansion launch.

Not like WoW just dropped it’s first major content patch and in a few weeks has already seen a decline, no doubt in part because of 9.1’s poor reception as well as the recent news about Blizzard’s…extracurriculars.


Doesn’t make my point any less correct. OP trying to say 30 is larger than 47.

The difference is that FF14 can’t say the sub dropped because of the post x-pack release…

They just dropped with no actual reason. Equally, there is no good explanation for the unexpected increase in players in general…no new content was released to drive to increase.

So here’s the thing.
Servers were never actually full to begin with.
Yes there was an article saying codes were sold out, but servers were never full.
Queues are in fact still there.
Not to mention a lot of people come and go normally, so I wouldn’t really say it was a fad lol

The op said “in any one month period”. They did not mention expansions or not.

it’s almost like there’s a group of forum frequenters that happen to like the game and will therefore talk about it when the topic comes up

wow mystery solved guys. bake em, toys


It does, heard nothing but good things from content creators doing 14. Except for Quin, who is a nobody, to begin with, and has always been skill-less. I play and enjoy both. Must be a hard concept for you, who hides behind a low-level alt with no achieves or posts. Sign numero uno of a troll and pot-stirrer.


Ok then if what is say is true link some images of WoW players doing this on the FFXIV forums.

Oh I am sorry I did not know this was the official FFXIV forums my mistake.

Lets reverse engineer that logic shall we?
Your here on the WoW forums on a super low post forum alt to grant your main some extra layer of anonymity, trolling me instead of playing WoW…


I play both games. 1 for fun, and 1 for nostalgia and schadenfreude. I’ll let you guess which is which. It is fun watching your dumpster fire burn brighter every day, that I will not deny.

You should all welcome competition. It should be good that there are games like FF14 and all the new ones coming out. If/When ActiBliz realizes that they have to start innovating once more instead of churning out the same content with a different paint job due to competition, the winner will be the players.

I do not understand why players want other games to fail. It’s not like ActiBlizz is going to gift the players with anything meaningful if WoW stays on top, lol. If anything, they’ll continue to cruise and give us questionable content.


Liking two games is immoral in these parts.


You are comparing 2 different things…which makes your argument flawed.

But I will agree, The OP did not quantify thier statement so you are correct.

Not going to lie, I installed it and logged in at 2am EST yesterday. There was a queue to get in and there were more people in the city than I have ever seen before.


I’m not speaking for the guy you replied to but for myself: I’m only subbed here for the forums as that’s the most fun I’ve had on WoW in a while. For actually game play FF14 has WoW beat by a long shot.

Well if I ever decide Wow is not playing so much that I would never want to come back do you know what I would do …I would not only unsub I would cancle my hold blizzard account and completely burn any and all bridges I have left to this game.

You claim you want to send a message that is how you truly send a message.

I don’t even need to argue this. If this is the kind of community ffxiv fosters then why would anyone want to play there?

I don’t have to prove anything to you, you are the one that needs the burden of proof, as you started this mess, and have had nothing to back up your claims. I’m not running errands for a LVL 10 alt (or main more than likely) forum troll.

If you think there are no pro WoW anti 14 trolls there too, you are wrong. Also, the forums aren’t as much used there, as they are much better moderated, and not many posts as much because they are actually in-game, having fun. Who’d thunk it huh?