FF14 fad didn't last long

I thought you were referring to FF also.
That annoying initiate thing ruined the flow I had for the night on leveling.

Now I check to see if any quest has a initiate button lol. Just to save myself the annoyance.

Said the level 10 Dark Iron Shaman with 56 posts. Mark all future posts as trolling.


All Levequests have the Initiate button, no other type uses it (just fyi).

To be honest
 I just run up
 gather as many quests as I can
 run out the gates and go do them. I rarely pay attention to who they are from or types.


Doesn’t matter server size was increased to help with congestion and nobody wants ffxiv to be number one we want blizz to shape up and stop abusing women ffxiv is just a decent game some also like

That’s some nice copium you got there, sniff sniff. Make sure you bring enough for everyone. sniff sniff.

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I’d say they both have their plusses and minuses.

I’d take WoW’s collection system in XIV in an instant over their system. The glamour dresser is just godawful in comparison.

I’d take XIV’s ability to make WAY cooler looking gear, dyeable gear, casual non-combat attire that comes out every patch, etc.


The Initiate button is only for Levequests, which are the repeatables that exist zone-by-zone in the 1-50 zones.

Clearly that isnt the case as yall are still talking about it on the WoW forums LMAO

Man, y’all are so jaded by WoW that you see any reduction in attention for another game as a sign that it’s “dead” or “dying.”

FFXIV didn’t really need all this free publicity that you’re giving them. They were doing fine for eight years on their own.


The copium is real in the WoW forums these past couple weeks.


Just play FF if you enjoy it, why does everyone feel the need to make their own post

FF is that girl/guy you dated because you knew your ex would hate it. You tell yourself they are just as attractive and have just as good qualities but you know deep down inside it’s just a rebound that will last a couple months.

FF to me is that girl I should have given a chance back in high school at first, because I was scare of how it might turn out, but then once we got together we’d been inseparable in a perfectly adequate and meaningful relationship.

Meanwhile WoW is that clingy ex who was fun at first but then started listening to crazy conspiracy theories and wishes for the old times to come back while simultaneously going from one boyfriend to the next because they can’t make a decision to save their own life.


False, there’s lots of worlds where new character creation is not allowed since they’re always full. I get queues at 7AM and onwards, around the major city Aetheryte hubs there’s literally 50+ people. I have never once seen this many people gather in one spot except in WoW classic when Onyxia buffs were being handed out in SW, now the only time I see this is Saturdays around 8PM in WoW.


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Because of crowding at least one entire data center is full, and nobody can transfer to those servers, or create new characters there. That’s 8 worlds, I believe.

There is almost always a queue to get in, although nothing like the hours we saw on release of most new expansions in WoW in the past.

Also, if I get the game (I’m still on the free trial), I’m likely to get it directly from the SE website, and not from Stream. So those numbers could be leaving out a lot of people.

Don’t worry about FF. It’s doing just fine.


Still getting 50-70 players in queue during peak hours and in cities being packed.

Still growing.

That’s not a real queue, that’s put in place to prevent their servers from exploding from too many logins at once, like mini ddos protection.

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Maybe one day FFXIV will work out the glamour issues.
It did take some time for WoW too, I too remember when you had to keep all the pieces on hand if you wanted to transmog.

Atleast in FFXIV you can put them away in a storage and change your glamour on the fly, rather than having to go grab the piece you want, go to another vendor and then change.

Even that has its plusses and minuses. I prefer WoW’s way of gathering transmogs looks. But I prefer FFXIVs ability to just change glamour on the fly. But if I have to sacrifice the latter to get the former, I would rather not.

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Just looking at the steam charts today out of curiosity and FF14 only had a +7% player growth in August and has started going negative in the 30 day trend.

They haven’t even addressed their server issues with an expansion coming in one month so get ready for a crap show.