FF14 fad didn't last long

they’re the newest ones that just came out with ShB. they’ll probably add the boosts after endwalker comes out sometime

NW is garbage.

Just pre ordered end walker. I gotta sharpen my rotation on my warrior again.

I think it has to do with them starting at 60. Guess it would be trivial to pay that much for 10 levels.

20 levels* lol

they’ve never added them any earlier than the following expansion launch as far as i remember

Ah. I’m still grinding thru the 400 hours of main story…

it is a boring game leveling up - i don’t know if it got better later because I never did get to end game

This would be like if the $60 boost you bought from Blizzard boosted you to lvl 60 Shadowlands. An example of one of the classes you cannot currently buy a boost for in FF14 is Gunbreaker because it just came out with the current expansion, Shadowbringers.

Yea because you know who is playing new world today

Meh… I don’t have a lot of faith in Amazon Games putting out a game worth anything.
Everything they have worked on has been cancelled.

A couple months from now people will bored of it except for the hardcore weebs. Wish people would play SWTOR…

pepole do less post on WOW form of final fansy bc they play it now lol have to many fun to go on WOW form

I’ve just finished The Churning Mists questline a few moments ago, and it was amazing. I have to say, it may be a fad for some, I imagine for a lot it is torture to go through the quests and I don’t fault them for wanting a game similar to wow because that is what they enjoy.

For me though, ffxiv is really a nice change for an MMO. It is nice to have something else besides WoW to fill my time with.

My Darth Revan is still in it’s original box lol.

I tried FF 3 times before now. I quit mainly because I found it boring.
This time however I’m having fun because I’m playing with friends.
We were having a blast in the roguelike dungeon last night.

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lolol…not really…still have log in queues, they’re less frantic now that the server caps have been expanded, but still there. there are players everywhere. go sit down, please.

I played it for about 6 hours, I kinda like it but have no ideas what end game was like

I got to lvl 20

I spent 30 minutes trying to get a duty to work (I think that’s what they are called… each quest hub has them) the duty was required to unlock the other repeatable quests around that hub.

Eventually I found that that there was a initiate button… that was annoying. Of course I might have just been tired too…

Just to clarify I was talking about playing the new world beta for 6 hours.

Years back I got quite far in the real reborn initial game but got frustrated and gave up nearing end game. Ffx14

New World went back to a holy trinity style of dungeons, I believe. So I don’t think it’ll be much different from other MMORPGs.