FF14 fad didn't last long

The biggest difference is positionals. For melee DPS anyway.


There really isn’t a true rotation for WoW though lol

And rotations.

Zoomers filtered by MSQ.

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Most wow classes have been boild down to 4 buttons
kind of a feels bad thing.

Meanwhile ff14 has a 16 combo opener for most classes :flushed:

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My level 53 ninja opener has like 15 button inputs in 15 seconds lol


I’m going to level my new toon up over there and give it a fair shake. There are things I like about it already. I just miss the sword and sorcery elements of wow.

I main NiN
It gets worse just you wait.
It’s the highest APM class in the game which is why I love it.

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Yeah, I feel that the story is actually pretty generic.

This is really bad game design. Compensation for sheet game mechanics.

I disagree, it allows for higher skill ceilings. I find it fun, personally.

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Actually skill manifests from simpler game mechanics think chess. The more complex after a point the more luck is involved think dungeons and dragons.

So classic wow is more complex then with its 1 button rotation :thinking:

Huh, I’m in a 60 in queue on a server that provides the road to 70 buff. Queue lengths keep climbing higher and higher since I started playing. I think maybe your tea leaves are upside down

Lol maybe they expanded their server? Is not hard soh and also there was a queue last 2 night I try to log in

You sound like one of those wacked ‘chivalry’ dudes that took a personality test and tried really hard for INTJ.

There’s no real skill involved in a paladin popping his wings and bubble and bursting me down. It all comes down to technical knowledge in the end.

At least D&D gives you the option to multiclass early on or not to min-max and add complexity to your abilities.

nevertheless have playable lizards as an option too

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Now you’re just acting ignorant. There’s a luminal point of complexity at which the game spins off into pure chance and luck and gives versa. It’s a fact of game design like the law of gravity. :woman_facepalming:

They upgraded the servers, I guess you didn’t hear about that?

Gotta show me where you proved me wrong? Cause nobody see’s it anywhere. You can live in your own delusional world though. But cant live in your own fantasy world forever.

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Thanks for that informative and detailed data analysis to back up your claims OP. :clap: