FF14 fad didn't last long

there are plenty of threads on FF14 forums about how horrible the GMs are. imagine playing a game for a long time, kicking an afk/bad person from your group, and getting a “strike” because your group didn’t want that person. but oh no, you hurt their feelings! they were taking the dogs out and had to afk and you hurt their feelings!

also thanks for verifying the warnings never drop off your account! that’s exactly what i said.

lol, you people. you will say anything to push your agenda. your time is so near :wink:

now, this is my last post. there are way more people against these changes than for them to maintain the post, and i have MUCH better things to do with my time than argue with folks who live in their parents basements and work at the dollar store :wink:

No one except horridly toxic people are afraid to speak.

People actually talk way more in dungeons then WoW which usually remain silent until one wipe in which the blame game starts.

Ffxiv is only a bad game for toxic people and I’m ok with that. Since toxic people make the game worse for everyone anyways


I wasn’t denying this point.
This is a good thing.
Toxic people who just like to troll people and cause issues should be removed from any and all communities.


sorry, i saw tons of evidence proving the GMs are incompetent. if you are no-lifer i doubt you care. my time is worth way more than yours will ever be :wink:

oh my god you nerds are SO triggered LMFAO.

thank you for making my weekend!

Where is your proof?
See, I play the game and nobody has gotten banned who did not deserve it, pure and simple.

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Have you actually played it? I joined 2 weeks ago and I still have a queue every single time I try to log in. Even at 1am I have a queue. People in every zone I go to. Sure the hype might have lessened but there’s still a ton of people playing. I’m having fun with it at least. WoW does a lot of things better than ff14 (combat, pvp, movement, open world) but ff14 has a ton of content to offer. It’s certainly keeping me entertained while raid logging in WoW. Haven’t tried new world but that seems fun to. Believe it or not, it’s possible to play multiple games!

I personally think it’s a good thing that WoW finally has some competition with ff14 and new world. Maybe blizzard will stop releasing garbage expansions to stay on top.

every time i go to login i got a queue, even before the servers were full

The old zones used to get utilized more when you had a clear expansion to expansion leveling progression.

So you always leveled in Azeroth, went to Outland, and then Northrend, etc… but then they made zones scale to your level and you just had way too many expansions. By BFA leveling was just a huge tedious and disorganized mess that was offputting for new players since the average new player wasn’t even reaching level 120.

i didn’t miss it at all. the only thing i forgot to point out is that you’re a super obvious forum troll, which you have just continued to prove with that post full of drivel

go back to drooling on your keyboard please, people are having an actual discussion here

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At least FF14 has GMs.

I haven’t seen a GM on WoW since Classic launched and they were doing stress tests.


I don’t understand ffxiv is more casual then WoW. How can ya say that your time is worth more then me when you play WoW? A game that’s well known for the last few expansions for not respecting your time?

I don’t rage while I game so I have no problems in whatever easy going casual game I play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So true. This isn’t HOTS, you can’t get ban or silenced for saying hi

I’ve been in the game for four years. Never have been banned. It’s not easy to get banned, unless you act like an idiot.


FF14 at its core is a game designed for casual players because of its easier to use PvE combat system and more social experience akin to classic.

WoW in comparison is a game designed more for the hardcore crowd because it’s a team based/prove your worth to others kind of experience. It is casual in the sense that gear progression is timegated the same for everyone and you have multiple different difficulty modes to play in. You have more options on what to do with your guild choices: do I want to raid 4 days a week or 1?

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Classic WoW had a much steeper curve from it’s peak to it’s place one month later. Shadowlands had a drop off after a month, every WoW expansion has, the hype carries the initial push and then people move on or stick around. WoW is down, whether replaced by FF or not.


I agree. Ff14 or not wow is on a massive downturn. Sadly that trend will most likely continue till 10.0

FF14 is far harder to play than WoW, lol. WoW’s combat is ridiculously simple. You can be laying back in your chair while half asleep and still perform your rotation perfectly.

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FFXIV is still out-populating and out-qualitying WoW and the way things are looking, will for the rest of time.

Okay, not to be rude, but this is quite literally the dumbest thing I’ve read today.
WoW was designed to be accessible to everyone, most especially the new mmo player. The combat system in WoW is braindead. You can quite literally roll your head from one side of the keyboard to the other and be fine. FFXIV raiding is similar to WoW’s via statics and FC groups. The loot acquisition in FFXIV is better because they respect your time and don’t want you farming endlessly, you unlock stuff for gear by doing what you are already doing each day.

FFXIV is designed to be just as accessible as WoW. The PvE combat system is literally the same as WoW, the biggest difference is the GCD which is not a factor at max level gameplay.