FF14 Devs listen to the people and communicate

Showing a sign of communication to your player base is actually important.

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To be fair, that game has a far nicer community that allows that.

What do you think would happen here if Ion joined a Castle Nathria pug or a +10 mythic key at Blizzcon? Or logged in for an impromptu Q&A session with the community? Because Yoshida did the equivalent multiple times with his game.

Here? I’m willing to bet people would be extremely disrespectful to Ion.

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Yoshi-P addresses the community’s issues head on. He also logs on his custom character or random servers from time to time and interacts with the playerbase

Ion laughs at you while proclaiming he knows better, while never touching the game outside the internal servers.

Big difference.


Maybe if he made more of a commitment to be vocal with the community and play with them more he will be more liked


 vs pay to win.

Dear god, how can you comapred the two and be like “yup similar”


and yet they gave both Blood and Void elves High Elf skin/eyes so folks can RP as High Elves. Ulduar Mechanognomes as well as broken are a bad idea due to the whole basis of little to no dimorphism for male/female races.
Folks have been asking for diverse humans since Worgen were introduced.
They do listen. Just because YOUR ideas of races aren’t accepted doesn’t mean you’re ignored

in large number, yes

*This message has been sponsored by Square Enix.

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There is a sub for casuals. $13/month for a single character per server. Honestly, that’s all I need. I made one of the dragon people, and absolutely love the aesthetic. Leveling jobs outside of the main/side quests becomes a hassle, but I only play a few melee DPS, and dabble with the gunblade a bit for FF8 fun, lol.

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i thought you quit after seeing the Ox mount? or are you going to sit around here until your sub runs out?

After years of vocal groups on the forums going back and forth about it. If anything implementing those customizations shows just how weak an option Void Elves were to begin with, but that’s not news, Blizzard never developed them. Even in BFA the Void Elves, a new race with almost no lore behind them, didn’t really exist outside of the war campaign.

So instead of developing resources towards developing the dimorphism, they left us with
 yeah. Its not as if the Korkuul on Argus wouldn’t have worked either.

Diverse, yes. Thanks to customization we’ve now got Black and Asian humans, and it’s been a pretty big success in my opinion. How are fat humans diverse? Honestly, Blizzard could’ve added the fat models to regular humans as an option the same way Orcs got straight backs. Instead we’ve been given a message that, what
 being fat means you’re a completely different race? Different ethnicity?

To themselves, not to their players.

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Ion raids on live servers. He’s currently 6/10 mythic. He does actually play the game he just may have a different vision for it than a lot of the playerbase–which goes without saying considering how big the playerbase is.

Ion’s character is linked below.


Lol @ this comment
yeah ff14 is a better game cause bunny outfits.

Got anything current? Because 6 months is enough time for that number to change.

Also, i thought that says 12 million, but the reddit says 1.2 million.

Title was a error but reddit does not allow you to edit the title.

Thats the most recent one that I know of. However I dont play ff14 so I dont follow news about them. I just remembered seeing that post a while ago since I go to the sub often.

:laughing: FF14 also has the option to skip expansions. Is that not pay to win to you?

I heard, but I had my doubts on just how much was really cut. I’m not going to be levelling an alt character any time soon to figure it out though. :sweat_smile:

Well, it was the link that was an error actually. The Title got it correct.

I’d be interested to see a screenshot of that option, because AFAIK, there is no such thing. When you pay for a sub, you can do it monthly, or for three or six months at a time, just like WoW. It’s a recurring charge for all of the options.

Unless you’re paying with crysta or something, then idk because I’ve never done that.

Eh, not all the BS parts, unfortunately. They cut it down from 100+ quests to 80+, which isn’t really removing enough, IMO. It’s still pretty damn long, and that’s not even taking into account the post-ARR mess that’s another whole slew of quests before you can get into HW.

Theres been a NG+ option for almost a year now. It lets you replay through any story content you have previously completed. This includes the new ARR storyline, which I can personally confirm has been trimmed quite a bit.

You clearly havent played in some time.