FF14 Devs listen to the people and communicate

While you pay for a sub, at least you feel heard, not like this game.
At least you know what you are paying for with the sub.

People should try it out, nice aesthetic and a team THAT LISTEN.


lmao, when I resubbed a few months ago, I made sure to click the “don’t bill me monthly” option, or at least the one that specifically didn’t have the monthly billing option, and it still billed me monthly after I took a break from the game. Really made me spicy seeing it on my bank notice.

And telling people to slog through ARR should be a war crime.
E: I should reiterate, I like the game, but by god it takes too long to get to the good stuff, and I made it to ShB.


I think it’s a better game than WoW overall, but I also think WoW has its place and a drastically better combat system. I just sub to one or the other depending on my mood and go from there.

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probably cause you didn’t read it right, the game won’t force a sub on you lmao,

Wow is way more aggressive with bad business practices with their 30$ for golds that you then use to buy gear and carries…, c’mon now.


I was in the room when Yoshida, when told by the audience at the panel that they wanted male characters to be able to dress up in the bunny outfits as well, said “Please look forward to it”.

Nice when devs listen and acknowledge concerns instead of total radio silence…

At least we still have a community manager or two who posts here but it’s nowhere what it used to be back in the day.


so your point is that the designers didn’t want for male to wear bunny costume ? is that the reason you are saying Devs don’t listen up ? then Wow devs don’t listen up with the high elves, no ?

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I assure you I did. :slight_smile: I read it every single time. I’m not one of those players who whines about AH scammers, so I would like to believe I have decent reading comprehension.

And… FF14 doesn’t? It literally has a massive cash shop where they have $5-10 exclusive EMOTES. Don’t play like FF14 is so holy and free of any sort of big bad cash shop.

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Is that why they don’t have the player base that WoW does?

It’s like saying…hey let’s see what the marlins are doing in baseball and model that…

oh wait…they suck every year.

They didn’t know male players would want to wear them and even though it required actual work to apply these textures to all of the male models, they plowed through and did it.


Actually for all we know they might have a larger playerbase. They actually do release sub numbers…


It’s not nice enough to keep y’all from coming back to WoW though. Or does it just not have forums you can hang out in?


What are their numbers? What does a sub cost?

the worse part is… we are heard… ignored… and even told to enjoy what they give us…
remember those secret forums? that info dump of all the devs " communicating " with us.
I wonder if, in some world other then ours what wow would look like if we had a actual voice. not a loud one… but a actual voice…

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300 + quests to get from post ARR to Heavensward…
That was alot.
Shadowbringers was alot of fun

They listen to everyone all at once, at the same time?

Like i get why FF14 is loved but it has one major advantage over WoW. It knows its niche as a casual/story driven MMO and sticks to it

WoW is trying to cast a much much wider net for better or worse.

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So if I went to that game and said stop wasting money on dungeons they would listen to me and do what I ask?




No, lol. FF14 does the same thing ESO does. They release total accounts ever created. Join 100 million players!!! Yeah, sure FF14, 100 million. You’re the most popular concurrent game in the world. Whatever.


It was! I loved the story of both expansions, Stormblood was pretty rad but I feel like it was lacking. Not sure where. I’m sure the raids were pretty good but I only managed to get to max level during ShB.
But goodness, if ARR didn’t have that much boring content, that game could have more players. I only barely made it through because I was playing with a few friends, can’t imagine how others feel though.

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Known troll out for a sTROLL.